Lewis ampuu Wykoffin kanssa


Huhtikuun 13, 1936, Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled his final legitimate contest with Lee Wykoff at the Hippodrome in New York City. Promoters once again called on Lewis to settle a promotional conflict. The opposing group selected Lee Wykoff, a 36-year-old shooter from Kansas. Wykoff stood six feet, one inches tall and weighed two hundred eighteen pounds. The 44-year-old Lewis

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Cora Livingston in 1908


I am ashamed to say I recently discovered the career of Cora Livingston, while researching the development of the local promotor system in professional wrestling during the 1910s and 1920s. Mildred Burke was the first major woman’s wrestling champion of which I was aware. Kuitenkin, Cora Livingston claimed the World Championship a year before Burke was even born. Cora Livingston

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McLaughlin Wins Tournament


Maaliskuun 10, 1870, Colonel James Hiram McLaughlin competed on the last night of the International Wrestling Tournament in Detroit, Michigan. The tournament ran for almost two months before the finale on March 10th. Wrestling historians frequently credit J. H. McLaughlin as being the first professional wrestler to live only on his earnings as a professional wrestler. Most professional wrestlers

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Edwin Bibby Defies Old Adage


One of the oldest adages in combat sports isa good big man always beats a good little man”. It is the reason that we have weight divisions in boxing, wrestling and mixed martial arts. Tiistaina, Marraskuu 2, 1881, 160-pound Edwin Bibby proved there are exceptions to this rule. While small, Edwin Bibby was particularly strong for his size.

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Jenkins Makes Himself Top Contender


(This excerpt is from my newest book on the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship.) Jenkins proved himself the top contender as soon as McLeod won the title. Keskiviikkona, Marraskuu 17, 1897, Tom Jenkins wrestled former title holder Martin “Farmer” Burns in Indianapolis, Indiana. The men wrestled a best two-out-of-three-falls match according to catch-as-catch-can wrestling rules. Jenkins stood

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Lewis ampuu teräksellä


Maanantaina, Joulukuu 6, 1932, 41-year-old Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled one of his last legitimate contests to settle a promotional dispute in New York. After initially being allies in promotion, Jim Londos broke away from Jack Curley’s group in New York. To restore peace, the parties decided on a legitimate contest or “shoot” to settle the dispute. Joseph "Toots" Mondt

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McLeod painii Wittmerillä


Tiistaina, Maaliskuu 28, 1899, current American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Dan S. McLeod wrestled Charles Wittmer in a two-out-of-three-falls mixed styles match. Since the champion only defended the title in catch-as-catch-can matches, McLeod wrestled Wittmer in a non-title match. Wittmer, a Greco-Roman wrestling specialist, demanded he and McLeod wrestle at least one fall under Greco-Roman rules. The St. Paul Athletic

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Anton “Tony” kaivertaja


Jos painifanit tietävät Anton "Tony" Stecherin, se on pitkäaikainen ammattipainin edistäjä Minneapolisissa, Minnesota. Stecher aloitti ammattipainin edistämisen Twin Citiesissa aikana 1933. Stecher rakensi Minneapolis Boxing and Wrestling Clubin tehokkaaksi paikalliseksi painikampanjaksi. Stecher oli myös yksi National Wrestling Alliancen varhaisista jäsenistä (NWA). kaivertaja

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Ross kohtaa Bauerin


Skotlantilainen painija Duncan C. Ross paini ammattimaisesti, mutta osallistui myös voima- ja urheilukilpailuihin saapuessaan Yhdysvaltoihin 1870-luvun lopulla. Monipuolinen urheilija, Ross paini taitavasti sekä saalis-saa-puri -painissa että kreikkalais-roomalaisessa painissa. Maanantaina, Helmikuu 26, 1883, Ross paini entisen raskaansarjan maailmanmestari Theobaud Bauerin kanssa. Bauer toi maailmanmestaruuden Ranskasta

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McLeod paini George Baptisten kanssa

dan Mcleod

Dan McLeod voitti Martin "Farmer" Burnsin Yhdysvaltain raskaansarjan paininmestaruuskilpailussa lokakuussa 1897. McLeod hallitsi mestaruutta neljä vuotta, kunnes hän tapasi Frank Gotchin kovimman vastustajan, Tom Jenkins. Alkuvuodesta 1899, McLeod puolustaa pari mestaruutta Minnesotassa. On February 24, 1899, McLeod paini St. Louisin keskisarjan painin mestari George Baptiste Conover Hallissa edessä

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