Mooney Wrestles Luttbeg


Šeštadienį, Gruodžio 2 d, 1893, vietinis Sent Luiso bokso instruktorius ir graikų-romėnų imtynininkas Mike'as Mooney'is susitiko su Maxu Luttbeg'u Saint Louise’ Pramogų salė. Ažiotažas prieš rungtynes ​​buvo nukreiptas į tai, kad Mooney niekada nepralaimėtų imtynių ar bokso kovos. Mooney buvo laikomas geresniu graikų-romėnų imtynininku, tuo tarpu Luttbegas buvo geresnis imtynininkas „pagauk kaip pagauk“.. XIX amžiuje, tai buvo įprasta rungtynėms

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Lewis and Roeber Unify Title


When William Muldoon retired from professional wrestling in 1889, he intended for his protege, Ernst Roeber, to become the new World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Since Muldoon always defended his championship in the Greco-Roman wrestling style, his choice made sense. Roeber was arguably the best Greco-Roman wrestler in America at the time. Tačiau, the wrestling fans and journalist, covering the sport,

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“Ūkininkas” Burns Holds Off Charles Green


In a recent post, I wrote about Charles Green’s unsuccessful attempt to defeat Evan “Strangler” Lewis in 1889. Metų, Green had greater success with another American wrestling legend, Kregždė “Ūkininkas” Nudegimai. The soon-to-be 29-year-old Burns was an excellent wrestler but wasn’t yet on the level of Evan Lewis. Tačiau, he would have to be in the top 10

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Charlesas Greenas ruošiasi Evanui Lewisui


Charles Green, a skilled English catch-as-catch-can wrestler, devintojo dešimtmečio pabaigoje išvyko į Jungtines Valstijas imtyniauti su geriausiais Amerikos imtynininkais. Greenas savo galimybę gavo liepos mėnesį 21, 1889, kai jis kovojo su Amerikos sunkiasvorių „pagauk kaip pagauk“ čempionu Evanu Lewisu. Pasiruošti šioms rungtynėms, Birželio pabaigoje Greenas kovojo su negalia su imtynininku Bertu Schelleriu. Schelleris gimė

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Mažasis demonas kovoja su Tomu Cannonu


On Joe Acton’s 33rd birthday, Kovas 8, 1885, he wrestled fellow countryman Tom Cannon in a 2-out-of-3-falls match at Sportsman Park in New Orleans, Louisiana. Acton and Cannon had a long history together. Both men were born in England in early 1952. Cannon was born a month later than Acton on April 19, 1852. Both men started wrestling in the

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Ernst Roeber Claims Vacant Title


When William Muldoon retired as the World Heavyweight Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion in 1889, there was no ready successor to the championship. Evanas “Strangler” Lewis was the best wrestler in the United States not named William Muldoon but his specialty was catch-as-catch-can wrestling. The best American Greco-Roman wrestler, Clarence Whistler, had died in Australia during 1885. Muldoon’s handpicked successor was German-born

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Ūkininkas degina mūšius Evanas Lewisas


The biggest American pro wrestling match of the 19th Century occurred on April 21, 1895 in Chicago, Illinois. Evanas “Strangler” Lewis defended his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship against Martin “Ūkininkas” Nudegimai. The 34-year-olds were both skilled withhooksor submission holds making them the top of the food chain in legitimate professional wrestling. Lewis had been undisputed champion since 1893

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Clarence Whistler mirė Australijoje


Clarence Whistler gimė Indianoje 1856. Stovėdamas tik 5’09” ar taip ir sveria 165 svarų, Švilpukas buvo laikomas vienu galingiausių savo eros imtynininkų. Whistleris buvo vienintelis imtynininkas, galėjęs sunkiai praleisti Williamą Muldooną per 9 metus trukusį Muldoono bėgimą kaip pasaulio čempionas. Whistleris pirmiausia varžėsi graikų-romėnų imtyse, the dominant style in

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Duncanas Rossas imasi Sorakichi Matsuda


Balandžio 21, 1884, Duncanas C. Ross met Sorakichi Matsuda, also known as Matsada, the first Japanese professional wrestler in the United States. Matsuda immigrated to the United States to pursue his dream of becoming a professional wrestler because it didn’t really exist in Japan at the time. 28-year-old Duncan Ross was born in Turkey of Scottish descent on March

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Evan Lewis Maims Imtynininkas,en


As the wrestler jumped off the mat, he grabbed the referee by the lapel with his good arm. “Why didn’t you stop it?” As Referee Siler tried to pull free, Duncan Ross’ seconds grabbed him and pulled him away. The men told Ross, “He can’t stop it. You have to submit.” Ross screamed, “I’m out of here.” As Ross walked

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