Acton Jiġġieled il-Greko-Rumani


Nhar it-Tnejn, Marzu 26, 1888, Joe Acton, li speċjalizzati fil-catch wrestling, ġġieled lill-Professur William Miller, wrestler Awstraljan, u bare-knuckle prizefighter, f’partita ta’ lotta Greko-Rumana b’żewġ waqgħat minn tlieta. Iż-żewġ kampijiet tal-irġiel jemmnu li l-lotta tal-logħba f'dan l-istil żgura l-aktar kompetizzjoni ġusta bejniethom. L-irġiel iġġieldu għal $500.00 naħa. 1,500 fans, folla kbira għall-era, imdawwar

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1883 Buffalo New York Tournament


Nhar il-Ġimgħa, Ġunju 29, 1883, fourteen wrestlers paid $50 to enter a two-day tournament for a $500 championship belt and $500 prize. Richard K. Fox, owner and publisher of the Police Gazette, put up the prize money and belt. Fox avidly supported the promotion of both professional boxing and professional wrestling. While fourteen men attempted to enter the tournament, Fox

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Dan McLeod Wrestles “Farmer” Burns

dan mcleod

Ottubru 26, 1897, Martin "Farmer" Burns iddefenda l-Kampjonat Amerikan tal-Lotta Heavyweight tiegħu kontra l-wrestler Skoċċiż Dan McLeod. Burns u McLeod kienu tnejn mill-aqwa tliet jew erba’ wrestlers catch-as-catch-can fl-Istati Uniti dak iż-żmien. 1,200 il-partitarji attendew il-partita li saret fil-Grand Opera House f’Indianapolis, Indiana. Il-promoturi spiss ipoġġu tapit jew tqil

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Evan Lewis Jniedi Pro Karriera


Waqt li qed tirriċerka l-istorja tal-Kampjonat Amerikan tal-Lotta Heavyweight (1881 – 1922), Skoprejt il-partiti bikrija ta 'Evan "Strangler" Lewis f'Montana. Qabel ma tirriċerka dan is-suġġett, Ħsibt li Lewis beda l-karriera tiegħu billi rebaħ tournament tal-lotta ta’ 64 raġel f’Montana waqt 1882. Madankollu, Lewis ma rebaħx it-tournament. F'Mejju 1882, Lewis ġġieled f'kampjonat tal-lotta ta' Cornish

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Malajr irritorna Oklahoma u ħalef li qatt ma jerġa’ jpoġġi sieq il-ħabs


Fuq Awissu 7, 1882, American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Edwin Bibby defended his title against English Champion Joe Acton at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The men wrestled a “catch-as-catch-can” match for the world championship. Madankollu, the public did not recognize the winner of the bout as the world champion. The public recognized the winner as the American Heavyweight

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Bidwi Burns Skopri lil Frank Gotch


Fil 1897, Dan McLeod għeleb lil Martin "Farmer" Burns għall-Kampjonat Amerikan tal-Lotta Heavyweight. Wara t-telfa, Burns ġġieled part-time hekk kif għamel tranżizzjoni fir-rwol primarju tiegħu ta 'trejner tal-lotta. Over the next 30 snin, Burns ħarreġ il-biċċa l-kbira tal-wrestlers leġittimi tal-qabda fl-Istati Uniti. Burns beda jdur fih 1899, where he would both wrestle an opponent in

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Bibby Taħbita Ross


Edwin Bibby u Duncan C. Ross stabbilixxa l-ewwel kampjonat rikonoxxut tal-lotta professjonali fl-Istati Uniti f'Jannar 19, 1881. L-irġiel iġġieldu stil catch-as-catch-can għall-Kampjonat Amerikan tal-Lotta Heavyweight. William Muldoon kien iċ-Champion Dinji tal-Piż Tqil ibbażat fuq it-telfa tiegħu kontra Thiebaud Bauer fi 1880. Andre Christol ġab it-Titolu Dinji fl-Istati Uniti fl-

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“Farmer” Burns Puts in a Full Night


Fil 1899, Martin “Farmer” Burns was transitioning into the role of part-time wrestler and full-time trainer. One of his most famous pupils would be Frank Gotch, who Burns defeated a week after this match. Burns was 38 years-old and had lost his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship two years earlier. Burns blended both roles on a very busy December night in

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McLaughlin Wrestles Bauer


James Hiram McLaughlin holds the distinction of being the first American professional wrestler. While people wrestled professionally before McLaughlin, he was the first to earn a professional living from wrestling. McLaughlin began wrestling professionally in 1860 fuq 16 years of age but the Civil War interrupted his career for a few years. McLaughlin began wrestling again in 1866. Billi 1877,

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Pro Wrestling’s Bad Reputation

ħruq martin-bidwi

Since its emergence as a spectator sport in the second half of the 19th Century, promoters and wrestlers were under a cloud of suspicion that they were working their matches. While professional wrestling would eventually consist almost exclusively of staged exhibitions, many, if not most, of the matches were legitimate contest prior to 1915. Promoters and wrestlers went to great

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