Henry Moses Dufur Oroitzapenak


Henry Moses Dufur-ek munduko pisu astuneko lepoko eta ukondoko borroka txapelduna izan zuen 1870eko hamarkadan.. Arabera 1855, Dufur borroka profesionaletik erretiratu zen bere lanaldi osoko arropa jostun lanbidean aritzeko. Nahiz eta bere borroka karreran zehar, Dufur jostun lanetan aritu zen. Dufur-ek The Boston Globeko berriemaileari esan zion Richforden jaio zela, Vermont ekainean 5, 1943. Data hau

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Yusuf Ismailen kondaira


Yusuf Ismail Estatu Batuetan sei hilabetez bakarrik aritu zen borrokan lehen seihilekoan 1898. Bere lehen partida esanguratsuan, falta zital batengatik deskalifikatu zuten. Bere beste partida esanguratsu bakarrean, eman zion Evani “Strangler” Lewis bere bizitzako jipoia. Hala ere, Estatu Batuetan egindako bira laburra kondaira bihurtu zen. Ismail sartu zen

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Evan “Strangler” Lewis Mean Streak Ikuskizunak


Evan “Strangler” Lewis, Evan Lewis ere deitzen “Strangler”, batetik Wrestler profesionala izan 1882 arte 1899. Lewis lehen American Heavyweight Harrapatu-as-Harrapatu Ezin Borroka txapelduna izan zen. He was also the first wrestler to perfect the “stranglehold” edo “hang hold”, MMA zale modernoek gillotina txoke gisa ezagutzen dutena. Lewis bere debuta profesional bat irabazi 64 man tournament

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Baserritarrak Burns Beats Michigan txapelduna


Martin “Baserritarrak” Burns is famous today as the trainer of legendary wrestler Frank Gotch. “Baserritarrak” Burns was a great wrestler in his own right. Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion in the legitimate pro wrestling era despite being only 165 libera. Urtean 1891, Burns as the Iowa Heavyweight Champion took on J.C. Comstock, the Michigan Heavyweight Champion. J.C. Comstock was

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Lewis’ and Acton’s Hippodrome


Astelehenean, Otsaila 7, 1887, Evan “Strangler” Lewis and “Little Demon” Joe Acton met at Battery D in Chicago, Illinois. It would be the first of several exhibition bouts between the men. They performed these exhibitions in the larger Midwestern cities in early 1887. Like the St. Paul match I covered in an earlier post, Lewis and Acton agreed to

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Evan Lewis’ Stranglehold


This post was formally a podcast broadcast in 2015. Pasarte honetan, I discuss what Evan “Strangler” Lewis’ hold would be called today. Main Content – When I first heard of the stranglehold or “hang hold” of Evan “The Strangler” Lewis, it sounded like a guillotine choke. Hala ere, several sources I checked described it as a rear naked choke. Lewis

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Ba Lewis Garaitzen Drunken Wrestler?


Evan “Strangler” Lewis scary lehiatu zen. Ez zen gizon handi bat izan arren 5’09” eta pisatu 170 libera, Lewis’ bidalketak maisutasuna berdinak edo hobeto bere garaiko borrokalari gehienek bat egin zion. Jack Carkeek emanaldirik Wrestler zen, baina Lewis partida ia eragindako erretiroa zion. Lewis’ ospea oso lotuta zegoen bere beldurrarekin

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Thiebaud Bauer Denies Worked Matches in 1876


Thiebaud or Theobald Bauer was a French wrestler, who specialized in Greco-Roman wrestling. Bauer arrived in America during 1875 with a dubious claim to the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. He would defend his title for 5 years until defeated by William Muldoon in 1880. If wrestling fans are familiar with Bauer at all, it is normally as the opponent

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Lewis “Triumphs” in Fake Match


The April 12, 1887 St edizioa. Paul Daily Globe carried a story about the bout between feared professional wrestlers, Evan “Strangler” Lewis and “Little Demon” Joe Acton. Other wrestlers feared Lewis’ ability as a submission expert particularly his abilities with the stranglehold. Joe Acton, while undersized at 150 libera, was a ferocious wrestler. The bout should have been

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