William Muldoon Prepares to Be Champion


V 1880, William Muldoon would become World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion in the Greco-Roman style after defeating Thiebaud Bauer, the reigning champion. Before he would accomplish this feat, Muldoon had to pay his dues and prepare for the title tilt with Bauer. V 1876, Muldoon caught the attention of former bare knuckle prizefighting world champion John Morrissey. Morrissey was a former

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Evan “Strangler” Lewis dispozícii


I recently finished Evan “The Strangler” Lewis: The Most Feared Wrestler of the 19th Century. Evan Lewis was a skilled submission expert during the legitimate professional wrestling era although he did take part in a couple prearranged matches. In January 1886, Evan Lewis used his dreaded stranglehold on Sorakichi Matsada. According to several newspapers, Lewis attempted to “uškrtiť Sorakichiho

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Wrestler Saves Drowning Priest


George Baptiste spent about twenty years serving as St. Louis’ resident all-around athlete before taking over the company, Baptiste Tent and Awning, founded by his father Alexander Baptiste. Besides plying his trade as an occasional but accomplished professional wrestler, Baptise was a powerful swimmer. Augusta 11, 1900, Baptiste used his swimming skills to save another St. Louisan from drowning.

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William Muldoon a jeho Health Farm


William Muldoon, Bývalý detektív New Yorku, vyhral Wrestling majstrovstvá sveta grécko-rímsky tým, že porazí Thiebaud Bauer. Muldoon vládol desať rokov pred odchodom do dôchodku ako víťaz. Po odchode do dôchodku, začal zarábať na živobytie ako osobný tréner. Muldoon trained many wrestlers but really came to prominence after getting a woefully out of shape John L. Sullivan fit for

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William Muldoon, Physical Culture Legend


Prvýkrát som čítal o William Muldoon v biografii Johna L. Sullivan, posledný holé koleno šampiónom v ťažkej váhe. Sullivan ushered in gloved boxing by refusing to take part in any more bare knuckle bouts. Posledné hlavné holé koleno takhle bola vybojovaná Sullivan proti Jake Kilrain v 1889. Odds were against Sullivan, a binge drinker indulging heavily between bouts. Bol

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William Muldoon Uses Long Copy

Ako často ste počuli ste to najlepšie používať krátke kópiu alebo dlhé kópiu pre internetový marketing. Niektorí zástancovia obhajujú krátky kópiu, Niektorí obhajujú dlho a niektorí sa snažia nájsť strednú cestu. Zdá sa, že každý má nejaký názor aj keď. One person who believed in the use of long copy for selling his services was William Muldoon. Muldoon was

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