Mike Romano morre no ringue


Professional wrestlers dying in the ring is rare but occasionally happens. Em 1936, 5,000 wrestling fans in Washington, D.C. inadvertently booed a dead man at the end of the Mike Romano vs. “Irish” Jack Donovan match at Griffith Stadium on Thursday, Junho 25, 1936. The 40-year-old Romano was putting Donovan over in a worked match. Newspapers inaccurately reported Romano as

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Atirador em um mundo trabalhado disponível


John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek started wrestling professionally in 1915, but Pesek was more suited to the 1885 professional wrestling ring. Por 1915, wrestlers worked their matches. Skilled lightweight wrestler Clarence Ecklund trained Pesek in catch-as-catch-can wrestling. Pesek developed into a skilled hooker or submission wrestler. Pesek never liked working and wrestled contests in his early career. Eventualmente, Pesek did

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Sombra do Homem Magro (1941)


Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) released Shadow of the Thin Man (1941) in November 1941. One of the later Thin Man films (link de afiliado), the film contains interesting vignettes for wrestling fans. Nick Charles, played by William Powell, is pulled into a state investigation of a local gambling ring. Two local wrestling promoters run the gambling ring, which is art imitating life if

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Anel de jogo de John Mabray


During March 1910, the United States Attorney General in Council Bluffs, Iowa charged John C. Mabray (a version of his actual name, Mabry) and a dozen defendants with using the mail to commit gambling fraud in professional boxing, professional wrestling, and professional horse racing. Mabry, a livestock dealer living in Kansas City, Missouri, employed insiders in boxing, wrestling, and horse

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Ladrões de segurança matam ex-campeão mundial


In the early morning hours of August 5, 1933, four safe burglars broke a window at the Marshfield Brewing Company in Marshfield, Wisconsin. The burglars knocked a dial off the safe and removed $1,550.00 in federal stamps. Em 2024 dollars, the burglars stole over $37,000.00. The same burglars successfully took another $1,000 in federal stamps from the Wausau Brewing Company

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Árbitro dá perda difícil para Beell

pose de Fred Beell

No início de sua carreira, Fred Beell wrestled Gus “Americus” Schoenlein in 1904 e 1905. Durante o 1904 match, Beell won the only fall and match. Schoenlein wanted to avenge this defeat. Em Maio 1905, Schoenlein’s manager secured a rematch in Schoenlein’s hometown of Baltimore, Maryland. Schoenlein stood five feet, ten inches tall and weighed 210 libras. Beell usually faced a

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Nat Pendleton fala contra a Comissão


No outono de 1921, Jack Curley e Tex Rickard se envolveram em uma rivalidade promocional que começou no boxe profissional, mas se espalhou para o wrestling profissional. Curley e Rickard resolveram sua rivalidade em uma disputa legítima em novembro 1921. Curley selecionou John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek para atuar por ele contra o lutador de Rickard, Marin Plestina. Antes que Curley e Rickard pudessem organizar

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Beell domina o oponente

pose de Fred Beell

se ele fosse maior, Fred Beell teria sido um peso pesado dominante na primeira década do século XX. Em vez, oponentes maiores geralmente derrotavam Beell apenas porque o oponente pesava mais que Beell em trinta a cinquenta libras. Nas raras ocasiões em que Beell lutou contra um peso médio, Beell esmagou seu oponente. Em janeiro de 13, 1905, Beell lutou com HP. Hansen em

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Pesek luta contra Plestina novamente


During November 1921, John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek travou uma disputa legítima com Marin Plestina para resolver uma guerra promocional entre Jack Curley e o promotor de boxe Tex Rickard. Pesek derrubou Plestina lesionado, que estava impotente para se defender. After the match, Rickard voltou ao boxe enquanto a Comissão Atlética do Estado de Nova York proibiu Pesek de lutar em Nova York.

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Pesek Bests Londres


Em 1919, Banheiro “O Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek se viu na mesma posição que Marin Plestina. A confiança dominante no wrestling não daria a Pesek uma luta com um dos “Quatro Grandes” – Conde Caddock, Joe Stecher, EdStrangler” Lewis, e Wladek Zbyszko. Incapaz de garantir uma partida com Stecher, Sand lutou com Jim Londos em Omaha, Nebrasca em outubro 10,

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