Ο Fred Beell σκοτώθηκε στη γραμμή του καθήκοντος

φρεντ-μπελ ποζάροντας

Ο Φρεντ Μπελ πάλεψε επαγγελματικά από 1900 να 1919. Αφού ανέπτυξε μια θρυλική φήμη λόγω ορισμένων από τις νίκες του επί του Martin “Γεωργός” Μπερνς, Dan McLeod και Frank Gotch, Ο Μπελ αποσύρθηκε καθώς πλησίαζε 43 ετών. Η καριέρα του μετά την πάλη θα οδηγούσε στον απροσδόκητο θάνατό του στο 57. Ο Fred Beell ξεπέρασε μεγάλες πιθανότητες για να γίνει ένας ικανός επαγγελματίας παλαιστής

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Gotch Beats Lurich in His Last Match


Frank Gotch was famous for defeating George Hackenschmidt, ο παλαιστής παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής και αρσιβαρίστας 1908 and the 1911 rematch. Gotch κράτησε τον τίτλο για πέντε χρόνια και νίκησε όλους τους ελθόντες. Κατά τη σχετικά νεαρή ηλικία του 35, Gotch αποφάσισε να αποσυρθεί. Για τον τελευταίο αγώνα του, he would take on another famous European wrestler and weightlifter, George Lurich. George Lurich

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George Baptiste Meets World Champion


Την Παρασκευή, Μάιος 12, 1905, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion George Hackenschmidt toured the United States after defeating reigning American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins. One of Hackenschmidt’s stops was the “Gateway to the West”, St. Louis, Μιζούρι. Hackenschmidt agreed to throw three wrestlers in under 90 πρακτικά. He accomplished this feat in less than 19 minutes after the third wrestler

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Santel Hurts Another Wrestler


Ad Santel entered professional wrestling a generation too late. By the time he started wrestling in the 1910s, professional wrestling transitioned from contests to prearranged exhibitions. Santel possessed strong submission skills, which would have allowed him to beat most of the wrestlers in legitimate wrestling contests. Santel did take part in several legitimate contests with Japanese jujitsu practitioners. Χρησιμοποίησε

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Stanislaus Zbyszko Tours in 1910


In late 1909, Stanislaus Zbyszko traveled to the United States to challenge World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. Prior to meeting Gotch, Zbyszko toured the United States and battled many local wrestlers throughout the early part of 1910. Zbyszko would travel 37,000 miles. Early in his tour, Zbyszko met Frank Gotch in a handicap match. Zbyszko defeated Gotch, ο οποίος ήταν

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Gotch Crushes Jenkins for Title


Την Πέμπτη, Ιανουάριος 27, 1904, Ο Τομ Τζένκινς υπερασπίστηκε το αμερικανικό του πρωτάθλημα πάλης ενάντια σε έναν ανερχόμενο παλαιστή από την Αϊόβα. After the first fall, οι οπαδοί συνειδητοποίησαν ότι ήταν ο πιο δύσκολος αγώνας του γ Frank Alvin Gotch, the Humboldt, Iowa farm boy who would defeat Georg Hackenschmidt for the World Heavyweight Championship in 1908, was Jenkins’ challenger. Ο Τζένκινς είχε νικήσει τον Γκοτς

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Was Lewis or Gotch Better?


Τον Ιανουάριο του 1921, Ad Santel started a minor controversy by claiming Ed “Strangler” Lewis was a better wrestler than the late Frank Gotch. Santel trained with both Gotch and Lewis, so he did have an insider’s knowledge. Was he right though? Gotch was the last Undisputed World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Gotch won the title by defeating the great Georg Hackenschmidt.

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Paul Pons, Maker of Wrestling Stars


Paul Pons was the Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion of France in the 1890s. He won a tournament at the Folies-Bergeres before winning a tournament in Russia in 1898. Αυτές οι νίκες του επέτρεψαν να διεκδικήσει το Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα ελληνορωμαϊκής πάλης. Pons capitalized on this notoriety by opening a gym to train wrestlers and strong men. Pons’ η νίκη ήταν ιδιαίτερα αξιοσημείωτη λόγω

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Lewis Solves Masked Marvel


Όταν ο 1915 New York International Wrestling Tournament restarted in October 1915, a mysterious masked man sat at ringside demanding an entry into the tournament. Prior to the masked man’s arrival, the tournament had been lightly attended. The attraction of the masked man sitting at ringside attracted both fan and newspaper interest. Crowds started showing up for the matches. Μετά

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Baptiste and Wasem Handle Parker


In late 1902, Harvey Parker, a professional wrestler who began wrestling in 1900, travelled to St. Louis to challenge the local wrestling community. Parker may have thought St. Louis to be an easier town than “Γεωργός” Burns territory in Chicago and Iowa. Ωστόσο, Parker would discover two capable wrestler in St. Louis, George Baptiste and Oscar Wasem. Με 1902, George

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