Russian Civil War Snags Aberg and Lurich


Estonia gave birth to three of the greatest wrestlers of the first two decades of the 20th Century: Georg Lurich, George Hackenschmidt and Aleksander “Alex” Aberg. As part of the Russian Empire at the time, Estonia contained a number of elementary and high schools with superior physical education programs. Lurich and Hackenschmidt both started out as weightlifters and transitioned into

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Ringer Throws Wasem


Larunbatean, Azaroa 25, 1899, St. Louis wrestling fans experienced a shock, when a visiting wrestler easily threw local champion Oscar Wasem in a little over 20 minutu. After the easy victory, fans smelled a rat, when the “Indianapolis Cyclone” spoke with a Lancashire accent. Oscar Wasem surpassed George Baptiste as St. Louis’ wrestling champion in the mid-1890s. Wasem jabetu zen

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Aneta hiltzailea (1947)


Abuztuaren On 2, 1947, Max M. King Productions-ek Killer Dill kaleratu zuen (1947), Mike Mazurki borrokalari profesionalak "Little Joe" antzezten duen krimen filma, sekulako koadrilen arteko liskar baten bi aldeetan jokatzen. Stuart Erwinek Johnny "Killer" Dill antzezten du, lentzeria diseinatzailea eta saltzailea, jendeak gangstertzat hartzen duena. Ustekabean bere burua koadrilen gerran sartu ondoren, bere

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Stecher Beats Cutler for American Title


When Frank Gotch retired as World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion after beating Georg Lurich in his last match, promoters scrambled to find a successor. Samuel Rachmann tried to put forth his own champion by hosting the 1915 International Wrestling Tournament in New York City. Rachmann wanted his challenger Aberg to win the tournament and be recognized by the public as the

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1915 New York Wrestling Tournament


Nazioarteko Borroka Txapelketa bi fasetan gertatu maiatza bitartean 19, 1915 eta abenduaren 31, 1915. Fifty wrestlers txapelketako lehenengo fasea barne Mundu greko-erromatar txapelduna Aleksander lehiatuko litzateke “Alex” Aberg. Bigarren zatikako izan 40 wrestlers up barne eta izar Ed datozen “Strangler” Lewis, who joined a month into the tournament on November 22, 1915. The

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Wild Bill Longson Regains Title


WillardWild BillLongson was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on June 8, 1906 but spent most of his adult life in St. Louis, Missouri. After beginning his career as a professional wrestler in 1931, Longson found himself working for Tom Packs in St. Louis. He never really left as it would be his home base for the remainder

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Boxeoak borroka legitimoan duen eragina


1910eko hamarkadan, Borroka profesional estatubatuarra betirako mugitu zen legezko borroka-lehiaketetatik aurrez antolatutako erakusketetara. Zaleen interesa, promotoreen kontrolak eta borrokalarien higadura gutxiagok zeresana izan zuten trantsizio honetan. Presioaz gutxiago hitz egiten zen beste kiroletik kanpo zegoen. mendearen aurretik, boxeo profesionala legez kanpokoa zen Estatu Batuetan. Uharkadi biluzik

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Paul Pons Hometowned in 1900


Paul Pons was a French Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion. He was good enough to give George Hackenschmidt a run for his money in several tournaments. Hala ere, when he came to Chicago in 1900, he was “defeated” by a local wrestler. The circumstances of the loss leave a lot to be desired. Paul Pons traveled to the United States in 1900. One

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Dick Tracy, Detektibe (1945)


RKO Pictures Dick Tracy komiki pertsonaia ekarri du pantaila handira on Abendua 1, 1945. Filma da, zalantzarik gabe, berriz, bat “B” filma ekarri du faktura bikoitza lehena izateko, Arazoak jarraitzen litzateke interesgarriak izan popular komiki zale asko joan. Chester Gould created the strip in October 1931 for the Detroit

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Caddock eta W. Zbyszko Wrestle to Draw


Earl Caddock-ek borroka profesionalaren karrera nahiko labur baina istorio bat izan zuen 1910eko hamarkadaren amaieran eta 1920ko hamarkadaren hasieran.. Profesionaletan debuta egiten du 1915 Borroka amateurrean AAU National hiru titulu irabazi ondoren, Caddock-ek profesionalki borrokatzen zuen arte 1922. Hala ere, munduko txapeldun izendatuko zuten apirilean Joe Stecher garaitu ostean 1917. Caddockek titulua galduko zuen

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