John Berg Wins Light Heavy Championship


John Berg was a good enough wrestler to beat Martin “Фермер” Burns twice but was mostly thought of as a good lighter wrestler. Berg held the World Light Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in the late 1910s and competed for the Middleweight Title, which was contested at 158 фунты. Berg missed weight by four pounds but won the match. Берг змагаўся

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Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt Available


“Don’t break my leg!” As the two muscular men struggled in the center of the ring, the man on top continued to work on the downed man’s legs. Again, the man on bottom yelled, “Please don’t break my leg!Фрэнк Готч паглядзеў на свайго суперніка Джорджа Хакеншміта, who was writhing in obvious pain. Despite a severe knee injury, Hackenschmidt

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Hack and Zbyszko Battle to Draw

Джордж Хакеншміт пазіруе

At the beginning of 1911, the wrestling public considered three men to be the greatest challenge to reigning World Champion Frank Gotch. Former champion George Hackenschmidt, Stanislaus Zbyszko and “The Terrible Turk” Yussif Mahmout wanted the chance to beat Gotch. Gotch, who was nobody’s fool, decided to take some of the starch out of his challengers by matching them up

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Legend of Chief Two Feathers


Сьнежня 23, 1903, Frank Gotch traveled to Bellingham, Washington to take on a 6’05”, 215 pound Native American wrestler from Montana. Wrestling fans in the area considered Chief Two Feathers to be unbeatable. Frank Gotch was not impressed with his reputation but he gave Gotch the most uncomfortable 15 minutes of his young career. Увайшоў начальнік Два Пёры

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І “Душыцель” Lewis Wins Title in 1920


У панядзелак, Сьнежня 13, 1920, І “Душыцель” Льюіс выйграў першы з шасці чэмпіянатаў свету па барацьбе ў цяжкай вазе ў Джо Стэчэра. The fact he won the title from his biggest rival and business enemy must have been particularly satisfying. За год да гэтага матчу, Стэхер і Льюіс сустрэліся ў матчы, які доўжыўся больш за тры гадзіны. Льюіс дапусціў разумовую памылку

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Gotch Wanted Hack in St. Луіс


Frank Gotch took the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Tom Jenkins in December 1903. Gotch intended on following up this triumph with a match for World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from George Hackenschmidt. Gotch wanted to meet “Hack” ў Санкт-. Louis during the 1904 Сусветная выстава. Unfortunately for Gotch and St. Луіс, the match would not occur until 1908 in Chicago,

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The Way to Live in Health and Strength

Джордж-Hackenschmidt касцюм

For my birthday this year, I purchased one of my favorite books, The Way to Live in Health and Strength (affiliate link) by Georg Hackenschmidt. Georg Hackenschmidt set many weightlifitng world records before focusing on professional wrestling. Hackenschmidt would win the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in 1901. Hackenschmidt would reign as undefeated World Champion for 7 гадоў да страты свайго

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Hackenschmidt Tours St. Луісе ў 1905

Джордж Хакеншміт пазіруе

Май 9, 1905 выданне St. Спартыўныя сек Луі рэспублікі ўтрымоўваецца аповяд аб маючым адбыцца матчы паміж мясцовай змагар Джорджа Батыст і чэмпіён свету Wrestling гастролі, Джордж Hackenschmidt. The paper did not give Baptiste a chance against Hackenschmidt, хто проста біць Tom Jenkins для чэмпіянату свету. Калі рэдактар ​​ведаў “Hack-х” condition at the time, he may have

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Zbyszko and the Last Shoot Match


Станіслава Zbyszko нарадзіўся Станіслаў Ян Cygankiewicz красавіка 1, 1879 у Jodlow, Польшча, якая ўваходзіла ў склад Аўстра-Венгерскай імперыі. Згодна з Вікіпедыі, ён абраў імя кольца Станіслава Zbyszko таму што гэта было імя выдуманага польскага рыцара. Артыкул у Walla Walla, Газета Вашынгтон, Увечары дзяржаўнага дзеяча аўторак, Лютага 8, 1910 edition, publicized Zbyszko’s university and

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Hack and What It Takes To Be Great

Джордж-Hackenschmidt касцюм

Джордж Hackenschmidt (1877-1968) быў сусветны рэкорд трымае цяжкаатлет і Барацьба Чэмпіён свету ў суперцяжкай перад барацьба была загадзя спланавалі і спружыны выкарыстоўвалі пазіцыі, метадалагічнай. Hackenschmidt дасягнулі ўзроўню велічы звязана з некалькімі фактарамі. Ён дасягнуў высокага ўзроўню фізічнай падрыхтоўкі. His physical condition allowed him to be the most successful wrestler of his era. A few wrestlers may have been

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