John Berg Wins Light Heavy Championship


John Berg was a good enough wrestler to beat Martin “Farmer” Burns twice but was mostly thought of as a good lighter wrestler. Berg held the World Light Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in the late 1910s and competed for the Middleweight Title, which was contested at 158 pounds. Berg missed weight by four pounds but won the match. Berg kæmpede sig ind

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Hack and Zbyszko Battle to Draw


At the beginning of 1911, the wrestling public considered three men to be the greatest challenge to reigning World Champion Frank Gotch. Former champion George Hackenschmidt, Stanislaus Zbyszko and “The Terrible Turk” Yussif Mahmout wanted the chance to beat Gotch. Gotch, who was nobody’s fool, besluttede at tage noget af stivelsen ud af sine udfordrere ved at matche dem

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Legend of Chief Two Feathers


Den December 23, 1903, Frank Gotch traveled to Bellingham, Washington to take on a 6’05”, 215 pound Native American wrestler from Montana. Wrestling fans in the area considered Chief Two Feathers to be unbeatable. Frank Gotch was not impressed with his reputation but he gave Gotch the most uncomfortable 15 minutes of his young career. Chief Two Feathers entered the

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EdStrangler” Lewis Wins Title in 1920


På mandag, December 13, 1920, EdStrangler” Lewis vandt det første af seks World Heavyweight Wrestling Championships af Joe Stecher. The fact he won the title from his biggest rival and business enemy must have been particularly satisfying. A year before this match, Stecher og Lewis mødtes i en kamp, ​​der varede over tre timer. Lewis lavede en mental fejl i

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Gotch Wanted Hack in St. Louis


Frank Gotch took the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Tom Jenkins in December 1903. Gotch intended on following up this triumph with a match for World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from George Hackenschmidt. Gotch wanted to meet “Hack” i St. Louis during the 1904 Verdensudstillingen. Unfortunately for Gotch and St. Louis, the match would not occur until 1908 in Chicago,

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The Way to Live in Health and Strength


For my birthday this year, I purchased one of my favorite books, The Way to Live in Health and Strength (affiliate link) by Georg Hackenschmidt. Georg Hackenschmidt set many weightlifitng world records before focusing on professional wrestling. Hackenschmidt would win the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in 1901. Hackenschmidt would reign as undefeated World Champion for 7 år, indtil han mistede sin

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Hackenschmidt Tours St,en. Louis i 1905


The May 9, 1905 udgave af St. Louis Republiks sport sektion indeholdt en historie om en kommende kamp mellem lokal wrestler George Baptiste og touring World Wrestling Champion, George Hackenschmidt. The paper did not give Baptiste a chance against Hackenschmidt, who just beat Tom Jenkins for the World Championship. If the editor knew “Hack’s” condition at the time, he may have

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Zbyszko and the Last Shoot Match


Stanislaus Zbyszko blev født Stanislaw Jan Cygankiewicz april 1, 1879 i Jodlow, Polen, som var en del af Østrig-ungarske kejserrige. Ifølge Wikipedia, han valgte den ring navn Stanislaus Zbyszko fordi det var navnet på en fiktiv polsk ridder. En artikel i Walla Walla, Washington avis, The Evening Statesman er tirsdag, Februar 8, 1910 udgave, publicized Zbyszko’s university and

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Hack and What It Takes To Be Great


George Hackenschmidt (1877-1968) var en verdensrekord holder vægtløfter og World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion før brydning var forudbestemt og løftere var ved hjælp af steroider. Hackenschmidt opnået et niveau af storhed skyldes flere faktorer. Han opnået en høj grad af fysisk kondition. His physical condition allowed him to be the most successful wrestler of his era. A few wrestlers may have been

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