Mahmout slår Jenkins i Straight Falls


On Thanksgiving in America, Thursday, November 26, 1908, Yussouff Mahmout wrestled former American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Mahmout recently to the United States to wrestle Frank Gotch for the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. If Mahmout defeated Jenkins, Mahmout would prove to be a bona fide challenger to Gotch. Jenkins was the

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Jack Claybournes Missouri Roots


Jack Claybourne, en af ​​de tidligste afroamerikanere, professionelle wrestlere, blev født Elmer Claybourn i Mexico, Missouri, marts 8, 1910. I 1910, Mexico var hjemsted for ca 5,939 residents. Claybourne startede sin professionelle wrestling-karriere i Missouri i 1931. Oprindeligt, Claybourne kæmpede i det nærliggende Moberly, Missouri. Moberly havde en befolkning på 13,722 beboere i forhold til 8,290 indbyggere i Mexico, Missouri

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Før han blev Ed “Strangler” Lewis


Wrestlinghistorikere betragter enten Ed "Strangler" Lewis eller Frank Gotch for at være den største amerikanske professionelle wrestler. Mens vi ved en del om Frank Gotchs tidlige karriere, vi ved meget mindre om Ed "Strangler" Lewis' tidlige karriere. Forskellige kilder hævder, at Lewis lærte catch-as-catch-can wrestling i karnevalerne, da han kun var fjorten år gammel. Lewis

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Jack Pfefer afslører Pro Wrestling


During the early 1930s, the most powerful promoters in professional wrestling, Jack Curley, Joseph “Toots” Mondt, Paul Bowser, and Tom Packs executed double-crosses on each other hurting the overall drawing power of their wrestlers. During the promotional war, Jack Pfefer aligned himself with Jack Curley and “Toots” Mondt, who ran out of New York City. I slutningen af 1933, Curley and

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Første Caddock-Stecher Match


I took a second look at this match after listening to the Shut Up and Wrestle podcast interview with Mike Chapman, one of the foremost experts on Frank Gotch. Mike Chapman put forth a convincing argument for his belief that both Earl Caddock vs. Joe Stecher world title matches were “shoots” or legitimate contests. After reviewing the accounts of the

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Great Gama Wrestles Stanislaus Zbyszko


Lørdag, September 10, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko, frisk på sin første turné i USA, kæmpede Great Gama på Shepherd's Bush Stadium i London, England. 7,000 tilskuere stimlede ind på stadion for at se kampen. Et par uger tidligere, Mr. Benjamin bragte en gruppe Pehlwani-brydere fra Indien for at bryde i England. Fans overvejer Great Gama

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Joe Stecher Wrestles for State Title


Joe Stecher made his professional wrestling debut in late 1912 or early 1913. Stecher proved to be a dangerous professional from the beginning of his career. Martin “Farmer” Burns, the storied wrestler and trainer, brought one of his proteges, Yussiff Hussane, to test Stecher in a legitimate contest during June 1913. Burns and most followers of the sport expected Hussane

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Lewis Wrestles Demetral


På tirsdag, Oktober 21, 1913, Ed “Strangler” Lewis defended his newly won American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship against William Demetral. Lewis wrestled Demetral at Lexington’s Auditorium on a mat instead of a ring. The mat setup played a role in the finish of the match. Promoter Jerry Walls placed a mat on the elevated stage, a common setup before the widespread

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Promoting Wrestling


Professional wrestling evolved into an athletic exhibition from legitimate contests for two reasons. I have written extensively about the first reason. Legitimate contests between equally skilled wrestlers were often long, boring affairs with little action. These contests turned off fans and prevented professional wrestling exploding as a spectator sport. I have not written as much about the second reason. Den

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Lewis vinder amerikansk titel


Før brydning i Kentucky i begyndelsen af ​​1910'erne, wrestling-fans kendte Ed "Strangler" Lewis som Bob Fredrichs. Født Robert Friedrich i Nekoosa, Wisconsin, Lewis fik sin professionelle wrestling-debut i 1905, kun mens det stadig er 14 år. Kentucky-promotorerne mente, at Bob Fredrichs var for almindelig, så Lewis valgte sit nye navn som en hyldest til andre Wisconsin indfødte og originale

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