Алан Юстас змагаецца “Фермер” Бэйлі

Алан-Яўстафій у 1922 годзе

In the early 1920s, Billy Sandow convinced Georgia promoter Tom Law to move to Wichita, Kansas and develop the area for future wrestling shows. The American Midwest would be a significant revenue generator for the Gold Dust Trio, which Sandow led with World Champion Ed “Душыцель” Lewis and promotional genius Joseph “Toots” Mondt, in the 1920s. Law would produce two

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Зоркі Джыма Браўнінга ў родным горадзе


Verona, Missouri is a small town in southwest Missouri. Never exceeding 900 residents in it’s history, only 438 or so people called Verona home in 1926. Яшчэ, a professional wrestling card was held in the town on Monday, Сакавік 22, 1926. Without the widespread use of automobiles or roads built to handle them, travel would be very difficult in 1926.

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Чэмпіён Londos Outlasts

Джым Лондас-1920

У пятніцу, Лютага 17, 1922, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Stanislaus Zbyszko wrestled a handicap match against Francois Lemarque and up-and-coming star Jim Londos. Londos was still a few years away from becoming the biggest box office draw in professional wrestling but he was the most popular wrestler in St. Луіс. While Londos only stood about 5’06” or 5’07”, he possessed

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Gotch Avenges Loss


On Sunday, Сьнежня 17, 1906, Kansas City, Missouri once more proved itself to be a hotbed for professional wrestling as 8,000 fans crammed Convention Hall to watch the rematch between Frank Gotch and Fred Beell. Beell won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Gotch three weeks earlier in New Orleans, Louisiana. Gotch claimed the loss to be a fluke, у той час як

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“Toots” Монт памёр у св. Луіс


Чэрвеня 11, 1976, Іосіф “Toots” Мондт памёр па дарозе ў хрысціянскую паўночна-ўсходнюю бальніцу ў Паўночным Сэнт-Джонсе. Луі акругі. Монт пераехаў у св. Луісе ў 1969 каб дапамагчы даглядаць маці сваёй жонкі Альды. Пасля смерці маці ў в 1971, Мондты вырашылі застацца ў Санкт-Пецярбургу. Луіс, дзе нарадзілася і вырасла Альда. Монт быў легендарным

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Remembering Wayne Munn

вялікі Уэйн-Munn

Wayne “Big” Munn’s a meteoric rise in professional wrestling. Debuting in 1924, Munn “won” the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Ed “Душыцель” Lewis in early 1925. His fall was just as quick. Па 1926, Munn was retired. A college football lineman from Nebraska, Munn was recruited into professional wrestling by Billy Sandow, defacto leader of the Gold Dust Trio. The

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Beell Wins Title


Fred Beell was a strong, таленавіты прафесійны барэц на мяжы 20 ст. Beell gave all the best wrestlers of the day tough contests but his lack of size often hampered his ability with world class wrestlers. Хоць і магутнага складу, Beell was generously listed at 5’06”. At his heaviest, Beell never exceeded 170 фунты. While possessing a bodybuilder’s

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Дзікі Біл Лонгсан вярнуў сабе тытул


Уілард “Дзікі Біл” Лонгсан нарадзіўся ў Солт-Лэйк-Сіці, штат Юта, on June 8, 1906 але большую частку свайго дарослага жыцця правёў у св. Луіс, Місуры. Пасля пачатку кар'еры прафесійнага змагара ў 1931, Лонгсан выявіў, што працуе на Тома Пэкса ў Сэнт-Джонсе. Луіс. Ён ніколі не сыходзіў, бо гэта будзе яго хатняя база для астатніх

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Льюіс і Стечер страляюць у апошні раз


Дамінаванне Gold Dust Trio у прафесійнай барацьбе ў пачатку-сярэдзіне 1920-х гадоў выклікала шмат незадаволенасці іншых змагароў і прамоўтэраў. This professional jealousy led to a famous double-cross in 1925. З гэтага часу, тытул чэмпіёна свету аспрэчваўся, бо Джо Стэчэр меў адну версію, у той час як Рэд “Душыцель” Люіс прытрымліваўся іншай версіі. Due to the real resentment

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Zbyszko Versus Plestina?


The following excerpt is from my new book Double Crossing the Gold Dust Trio, which will be out this summer. During the summer (of 1921), the Zbyszko brothers received word that their mother was gravely ill. Making quick preparation, they let Curley and the other promoters know they would be leaving as soon as they could arrange passage on a

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