Алан Юстас борется “Фермер” Бейли


In the early 1920s, Билли Сандоу убедил промоутера из Джорджии Тома Лоу переехать в Уичито., Канзас и развивать территорию для будущих борцовских шоу.. Средний Запад Америки будет значительным источником дохода для Gold Dust Trio., который Сандов вел с чемпионом мира Эдом “<Промежуток bbox_x = "949" bbox_y = "1799" bbox_w = "52" bbox_h = "19" FSIZE = "13" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = "” Льюис и гений рекламы Джозеф “Toots” Mondt, в 1920-х. Law would produce two

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Jim Browning Stars in Hometown


Verona, Missouri is a small town in southwest Missouri. Never exceeding 900 residents in it’s history, only 438 or so people called Verona home in 1926. Еще, a professional wrestling card was held in the town on Monday, Март 22, 1926. Without the widespread use of automobiles or roads built to handle them, travel would be very difficult in 1926.

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Londos Outlasts Champion


В пятницу, Февраль 17, 1922, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Stanislaus Zbyszko wrestled a handicap match against Francois Lemarque and up-and-coming star Jim Londos. Londos was still a few years away from becoming the biggest box office draw in professional wrestling but he was the most popular wrestler in St. Луис. While Londos only stood about 5’06” или 5’07”, he possessed

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Готч мстит за потерю


On Sunday, Декабрь 17, 1906, Канзас-Сити, Миссури еще раз оказался рассадником профессионального рестлинга. 8,000 фанаты заполнили конференц-зал, чтобы посмотреть матч-реванш между Фрэнком Готчем и Фредом Биллом. Beell won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Gotch three weeks earlier in New Orleans, Луизиана. Готч заявил, что поражение было случайностью, while

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“Toots” Mondt Dies in St. Луис


Июня 11, 1976, Джозеф “Toots” Mondt died enroute to Christian Northeast Hospital in North St. Louis County. Mondt had moved to St. Луи в 1969 to help take care of his wife Alda’s mother. After her mother died in 1971, the Mondts decided to stay in St. Луис, where Alda had been born and raised. Mondt was a legendary

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Remembering Wayne Munn


Wayne “Большой” Munn’s a meteoric rise in professional wrestling. Debuting in 1924, Munn “won” the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Ed “<Промежуток bbox_x = "949" bbox_y = "1799" bbox_w = "52" bbox_h = "19" FSIZE = "13" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = "” Льюис в начале 1925. His fall was just as quick. По 1926, Munn was retired. A college football lineman from Nebraska, Munn was recruited into professional wrestling by Billy Sandow, defacto leader of the Gold Dust Trio. The

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Beell Wins Title

Фред-Белл позирует

Fred Beell was a strong, talented professional wrestler at the turn of the 20th Century. Beell gave all the best wrestlers of the day tough contests but his lack of size often hampered his ability with world class wrestlers. Although powerfully built, Белл щедро был включен в пятерку’06”. At his heaviest, Beell never exceeded 170 фунты. While possessing a bodybuilder’s

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Дикий Билл Лонгсон возвращает себе титул


Уиллард “Дикий Билл” Лонгсон родился в Солт-Лейк-Сити., Юта, июня 8, 1906 но большую часть своей сознательной жизни провел в Св.. Луис, Миссури. Начав карьеру профессионального борца в 1931, Лонгсон работал на Тома Пэкса в Санкт-Петербурге.. Луис. Он никогда не уезжал, так как это будет его дом на все оставшееся время.

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Льюис и Стечер стреляют в последний раз


The Gold Dust Trio’s dominance of professional wrestling in the early to mid-1920s bred lots of resentment with other wrestlers and promoters. This professional jealousy led to a famous double-cross in 1925. From this time on, the world title was disputed as Joe Stecher held one version, while Ed “<Промежуток bbox_x = "949" bbox_y = "1799" bbox_w = "52" bbox_h = "19" FSIZE = "13" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = "” Lewis held the other version. Due to the real resentment

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Збышко против Плестины?


The following excerpt is from my new book Double Crossing the Gold Dust Trio, which will be out this summer. During the summer (of 1921), the Zbyszko brothers received word that their mother was gravely ill. Making quick preparation, they let Curley and the other promoters know they would be leaving as soon as they could arrange passage on a

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