Jake Kilrain empata


Si bien era famoso por luchar contra John L.. Sullivan en la última pelea por el campeonato mundial disputada bajo las reglas del nudillo desnudo, Jake Kilrain también participó en muchos combates con guantes.. Las peleas de premios estaban pasando de las reglas de nudillos desnudos a peleas con guantes bajo las Reglas del Marqués de Queensberry. (primeros boxeo amateur y profesional) a finales del siglo XIX. como sullivan, Kilrain pelearía en mayor

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Was Lewis or Gotch Better?


En enero 1921, Ad Santel started a minor controversy by claiming Ed “Strangler” Lewis was a better wrestler than the late Frank Gotch. Santel trained with both Gotch and Lewis, so he did have an insider’s knowledge. Was he right though? Gotch was the last Undisputed World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Gotch won the title by defeating the great Georg Hackenschmidt.

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EdStrangler” Lewis Wins Title in 1920


El lunes, Diciembre 13, 1920, EdStrangler” Lewis ganó el primero de los seis campeonatos mundiales de lucha libre de manos de Joe Stecher.. The fact he won the title from his biggest rival and business enemy must have been particularly satisfying. Un año antes de este partido, Stecher y Lewis se enfrentaron en un partido que duró más de tres horas.. Lewis cometió un error mental al

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Lewis Solves Masked Marvel


When the 1915 New York International Wrestling Tournament restarted in October 1915, a mysterious masked man sat at ringside demanding an entry into the tournament. Prior to the masked man’s arrival, the tournament had been lightly attended. The attraction of the masked man sitting at ringside attracted both fan and newspaper interest. Crowds started showing up for the matches. After

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Baptiste and Wasem Handle Parker


A finales 1902, Harvey Parker, a professional wrestler who began wrestling in 1900, travelled to St. Louis to challenge the local wrestling community. Parker may have thought St. Louis to be an easier town than “Agricultor” Burns territory in Chicago and Iowa. Sin embargo, Parker would discover two capable wrestler in St. Louis, George Baptiste and Oscar Wasem. Por 1902, George

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George Baptiste Wins Detroit Tournament


During March 1891, George Baptiste travelled from St. Louis to Detroit to take part in a catch-as-catch-can wrestling tournament. While primarily a Greco-Roman wrestler, Baptiste would compete in the dominant American style of catch-as-catch-can. The 26-year-old Baptiste was an accomplished amateur and professional wrestler. Entering the Detroit tournament, Baptiste had lost only one match as a professional. The year prior,

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Sam Langford lucha contra el niño Dixie


Como he escrito en varios posts, los mejores boxeadores de peso pesado entre 1900 y 1919 ¿Fueron los boxeadores afroamericanos obligados a luchar entre sí por el “Campeonato de colores”. Incluso después de que el gran Jack Johnson finalmente rompió la línea de color y ganó el Campeonato Mundial de Peso Pesado., solo defendería el título contra contendientes blancos. Como resultado, los retadores más duros

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