Ernsts Rēbers pretendē uz vakanto titulu


gadā, kad Viljams Muldūns aizgāja pensijā kā pasaules grieķu-romiešu cīņas smagsvara čempions 1889, nebija gatava čempionāta turpinātāja. Evan “Strangler” Lūiss bija labākais cīkstonis Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, vārdā Viljams Muldūns, bet viņa specialitāte bija cīkstēšanās “noķer, kā noķer un vari”. Labākais amerikāņu grieķu-romiešu cīkstonis, Clarence Whistler, gadā nomira Austrālijā 1885. Muldūnas izvēlētais pēctecis bija Vācijā dzimis

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Lewis Wrestles Mondt in Kansas City


Pasaules čempions smagajā cīņā Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled hundreds of legitimate wrestling matches with Joseph “Toots” Mondt over the years. During conversations with his young protégé, Lou Thesz, Lewis said he only had to worry about losing to two wrestlers in his long career. Only Mondt and Stanislaus Zbyszko had a chance of defeating him in a legitimate contest. Viens

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Farmer Burns Battles Evan Lewis


The biggest American pro wrestling match of the 19th Century occurred on April 21, 1895 in Chicago, Illinois. Evan “Strangler” Lewis defended his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship against Martin “Lauksaimnieks” Burns. The 34-year-olds were both skilled withhooksor submission holds making them the top of the food chain in legitimate professional wrestling. Lewis had been undisputed champion since 1893

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Gotch Bests Bulgarian


Aprīlī 14, 1909, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met Yussif Mahmout, a skilled Bulgarian wrestler, in Chicago, Illinois for his title. Fans considered Mahmout a tough challenger primarily because they had not seen him wrestle. Emil Klank, Gotch’s manager, convinced foreign wrestlers with good reputations like Mahmout and Stanislaus Zbyszko to travel to America to challenge Gotch. Fans

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Aberg Exposes Curley


Aleksander “Alex” Aberg made headlines in 1917 during a lawsuit over his refusal to fulfill a wrestling committment in Boston during March 1917. Aberg agreed to wrestle Wladek Zbyszko, his main opponent during the 1915 New York International Wrestling Tournaments, for Boston promoter George Touhey. Tomēr, Aberg pulled out of the bout shortly after signing an agreement to wrestle his

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Austrālijā mirst Klarenss Vistlers


gadā Klārenss Vistlers dzimis Indiānā 1856. Tikai stāvot 5’09” vai tā un svēršana 165 mārciņas, Vistlers tika uzskatīts par vienu no spēcīgākajiem sava laikmeta cīkstoņiem. Vistlers bija vienīgais cīkstonis, kurš Viljamam Muldūnam sagādāja grūtības Muldūna 9 gadus ilgajā pasaules čempiona skrējienā.. Vistlers galvenokārt sacentās grieķu-romiešu cīņā, dominējošais stils

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