Кроп-забойца (1947)


Жнівень 2, 1947, Max M. King Productions released Killer Dill (1947), a crime film that professional wrestler Mike Mazurki plays “Little Joe”, a henchman playing both sides of a gang feud. Stuart Erwin stars as Johnny “Killer” Dill, a lingerie designer and salesperson, who people mistake for a gangster. After accidentally involving himself in a gang war, яго

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Цень худога чалавека (1941)


Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) выпусціла Shadow of the Thin Man (1941) у лістападзе 1941. Адзін з апошніх фільмаў «Тонкі чалавек». (affiliate link), фільм змяшчае цікавыя віньеткі для аматараў барацьбы. Нік Чарльз, played by William Powell, уцягнуты ў дзяржаўнае расследаванне мясцовай ігральнай сеткі. Два мясцовыя прамоўтэры барацьбы кіруюць азартнымі гульнямі, якое мастацтва імітацыі жыцця, калі

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Расці Вескот, Лёгкая атлетыка і акцёрскае майстэрства


Нарадзіўся Норман Эдвард Уэскоат на Гаваях у жніўні 2, 1911, «Расці» Уэскоат гуляў у футбол за Гавайскі ўніверсітэт, перш чым дэбютаваць у прафесійнай барацьбе на Гаваях падчас 1933. Уэскот таксама быў чэмпіёнам па плаванні. Першапачаткова Уэскоат зрабіў больш навін для свайго плавання, чым для барацьбы, калі паехаў у кантынентальную частку Злучаных Штатаў у 1935. У велікодную нядзелю, Красавіка

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Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring (1941)


Лістапада 18, 1941, Columbia Pictures released Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring (1941). У гэтым фільме, Ralph Bellamy portrays Ellery Queen for the fourth and final time. The film opens with a wealthy widow, Г-жа. Augusta Stack, seeking the help of the police department. Г-жа. Stack suspects Dr. Jannery, who operates her hospital, of negligence in the death of

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Counter-Espionage (1942)


Columbia Pictures’ Lone Wolf series, у галоўнай ролі Уорэн Уільямс як Майкл талреп, гэта адна з маіх любімых “B” фільм серыі. Уільямс гуляў шаноўны каштоўнасць злодзея, хто-то заўсёды сканчаецца дапамагчы паліцыі вырашыць шэраг злачынстваў. Counter-Espionage (1942) begins with Lanyard stealing top secret plans from Sir Stafford Hart’s safe. Scotland Yard’s Inspector Stephens rushes to the scene

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Corsair (1931)


Roland V. West directed fourteen films in his career. Critics consider three of his films to be excellent. West directed the silent thriller The Bat in 1926. West directed his most acclaimed film, Alibi (1929), which resulted in an Oscar nomination for his friend Chester Morris. У 1930, West and Morris again collaborated on his last classic, The Bat Шэпт,

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Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941)


Republic Pictures produced many quality movie serials in the 1930s and 1940s. One of their finer offerings was Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941), a twelve chapter serial (affiliate link) based on the popular comic book super hero. Captain Marvel is known as Shazam today. Billy Batson, played by Frank Coghlan, Малодшы, accompanies the Malcolm Expedition to Siam. While searching an

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Spooks Run Wild (1941)


Кастрычнік 24, 1941, Monogram Pictures released Spooks Run Wild starring the East Side Kids and Bela Lugosi. At this point in his career, Bela Lugosi was relegated to “B” кіно. He played in several films with the East Side Kids, which were all enjoyable if not exactly classic cinema. Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall and Bobby Jordan play the leaders

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British Intelligence (1940)


Студзеня 29, 1940, First National Pictures, the Warner Brothers “B” film company, released the spy thriller British Intelligence (1940). The film is set in Britain during World War I. Released almost two years before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the film showed that Hollywood and probably most of the countries sympathies were with Britain and the Allies. Пакуль брытанскія

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