Pursuit to Algiers (1945)


In one of the last films in the series, British authorites recruit Sherlock Holmes to protect the young heir to a European throne. Universal Pictures released Pursuit to Algiers (1945) on October 26, 1945. Basil Rathbone returns for the twelfth of fourteen times as Sherlock Holmes. Nigel Bruce again plays his assistant Dr. John Watson. As the film begins, Sherlock

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Passport to Suez (1943)


Fuq Awissu 19, 1943, Columbia Pictures released Passport to Suez (1943). Warren William plays Michael Lanyard, the Lone Wolf, for the final time in this film. The film opens in Alexandria, Egypt, where Lanyard has just arrived. Lanyard meets up with his old friend Johnny Booth, a successful cafe’ owner. Madankollu, Lanyard’s real purpose is a mission for British Intelligence.

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Sherlock Holmes u l-Voice of Terror


Sherlock Holmes u l-Voice of Terror (1942) hija l-ewwel ta 'tnax-films Sherlock Holmes magħmula mill Universal Pictures. Basile Rathbone u Nigel Bruce reprise rwoli tagħhom bħala Sherlock Holmes u Dr. Watson rispettivament. Universali tistabbilixxi l-serje fl-1940s minkejja l-fatt li l-Sherlock Holmes letterarja kienet 60 sena fil- 1914. In a good deal

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Sidney Toler in The Trap (1946)


Il Nassa (1946) is the last Charlie Chan film starring Sidney Toler as Inspector Chan. The eleventh of eleven Charlie Chan films that Toler made for Monogram Pictures, it marks the return of Victor Sen Yung as “Mhux. 2 Son Jimmy”. Toler was deathly ill during the filming, so Jimmy and Birmingham Brown, played by Mantan Moreland, handle most of

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The Fat Man (1951)


Since the beginning of commercial film making, production companies are always looking for new content. Film companies have always used popular books as a source of content and inspiration. Since the 1950s, popular television shows provided film adaptations and inspiration. In the early days of talking films, popular radio shows led to many film adaptations. Lum and Abner, Jack Benny,

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Murder Over New York (1940)


Murder Over New York (1940) is one of the later editions of the Charlie Chan series for Twentieth-Century Fox Productions. F'dan il-film, Inspector Chan is assisting his old friend from Scotland Yard, Inspector Drake, find a group of saboteurs. The spies intend to sabotage some test air craft in New York. Inspector Drake is tracing Paul Narvo, who leads

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Babes in Toyland (1934)


Stan Laurel u Oliver Hardy istilla fil waħda ta 'films tiegħi btala favorit, Babe in Toyland (link affiljat) or March of the Wooden Soldiers (1934). Huwa normalment murija madwar Thanksgiving. Dan il-film karatteristiċi Stan Laurel bħala Stannie Dum u Oliver Hardy bħala Ollie Dee, li qed jippruvaw biex jgħinu Mother Peep, the little old women in the shoe. Barnaby, the wicked

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