Promoted to 4th Dan


У чацвер, Студзеня 31, 2020, Grandmaster Pat Weseman promoted me to 4th Dan in Taekwondo at the Advanced Class. When I started classes with Grandmaster Weseman and her husband Art, I did not foresee reaching this milestone. I originally started taking classes with my nephew Jim in Spring 1995. After getting married in 1996, I stopped taking classes for several

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шок, тым. 2


З Choque, тым. 2 (Amazon affiliate link), Раберта Pedreira падымае гісторыю бразільскага джыу-джытсу ў тым, што ён лічыць свой росквіт у Бразіліі, 1950 – 1960. Акрамя таго, Карлас і Helio Грэйс, некалькі іншых акадэмій, такія як Асвальда Тадэй-х, Былі таксама квітнеючы. Дзюдо набірае папулярнасць, але не пераадолець джыу-джытсу ў папулярнасці. Vale Tudo matches were at the height

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шок, Volume 1

японскі-дзю-сельскагаспадарчая школа

I recently read Choque: The Untold Story of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil, Volume 1 by Roberto Pedreira (Amazon affiliate link), which tells an alternate story of BJJ’s beginnings than we have been told by in various interviews with members of the Gracie Family. “шок” translates toshockingin Brazilian Portuguese. While Pedreira exhaustively researches and cites primary sources, mostly Brazilian newspapers,

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Tips As You Age In The Martial Arts


When I started martial arts in my mid-twenties, I thought my skill level would always continue to improve even as I aged. Since I regularly lifted weights, performed cardio and stretched, I thought I could battle Father Time to a draw. Like so many combat athletes before me, I discovered Father Time beats us all. Whether we want to face

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Are Forms Important for Martial Arts?


The legendary Bruce Lee wrote an article for Black Belt magazine many years ago which challenged the efficiency and efficacy of kata, формы або мадэль навучання. Ever since the publication of this article, многія іншыя майстры баявых мастацтваў пачалі аспрэчваць або пытанне неабходнасць навучання формаў. Так як я прысвечана вывучэнню самаабароны, you would think I

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Why We Use Canes


Most self-defense programs are made up of striking or grappling techniques. A few self-defense systems use techniques from both. Striking and grappling techniques can both be effective but sometimes a defender needs an equalizer. Policeman carry night sticks and tasers for this reason. The laws of the United States ban most weapons but one tool legal to carry anywhere is

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Што робіць ранг чорнага пояса Mean?


I have spent a lot of time studying different rank systems. The rank system seems to be a modern concept started by Dr. Jigaro Kano, an educator, who wanted a system of grading to separate students. Over the next century, numerous styles adopted the belt rank system but the only commonality was the belt systems meant what the creator decided

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The Day American Martial Arts Changed


Лістапада 12, 1993 at the McNichols Sports Arena in Denver, Colorado, a fourth degree black belt in the little known art of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (commonly called Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the United States) cut through an eight man style versus style martial arts tournament. Royce Gracie would turn the martial arts world on its head. After his walk through the

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Passing the Torch


This week my oldest son Kenneth turns 20 гадоў. Besides finishing school, Kenneth’s biggest focus is the martial arts. He is particularly passionate about teaching self-defense. На працягу многіх гадоў, I have trained 14 nieces and nephews plus all three of my children in the martial arts. Last week, the first member of the third generation started with us. To

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Academy Rank Requirements

Кэнэт-Калеб ранг-акцыя

The first three ranks in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System are Yellow Belt, Orange Belt, and Green Ranks. These ranks represent the beginning curriculum. The intermediate ranks are Blue Belt and Purple Ranks. The advanced ranks are Brown and Red Ranks. After training for a minimum of 4 years and being at least 16 гадоў, a student can test for

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