Zaszokować, Volume 1


I recently read Choque: The Untold Story of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil, Volume 1 autor: Roberto Pedreira (Amazon affiliate link), which tells an alternate story of BJJ’s beginnings than we have been told by in various interviews with members of the Gracie Family. “Zaszokować” translates toshockingin Brazilian Portuguese. While Pedreira exhaustively researches and cites primary sources, mostly Brazilian newspapers,

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Are Forms Important for Martial Arts?


The legendary Bruce Lee wrote an article for Black Belt magazine many years ago which challenged the efficiency and efficacy of kata, wzór formularzy lub szkolenie. Ever since the publication of this article, wiele innych sztuk walki zaczęli kwestionować ani kwestionować potrzebę szkolenia formularzy. Ponieważ jestem poświęcona nauczaniu samoobrony, you would think I

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