Iron Fist and Martial Arts


Marvel Studios released the series Iron Fist on Netflix on March 17, 2017. The series based on the Marvel comic about Danny Rand, a young man presumed to have died in a plane crash. Rand is rescued as a child by monks, who teach him martial arts in the Himalayas. The series contains a number of great martial arts fight scenes.

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Ιστορίες προέλευσης: Μύθος ή πραγματικότητα?


Όταν ξεκίνησα προπόνηση στις πολεμικές τέχνες 1995, οι ιστορίες που συνδέονται με την ίδρυση της πιο πολεμικές τέχνες ήταν αρκετά φανταστικό με υπεράνθρωπη κατορθώματα του τη φυσική του δύναμη και την καταπολέμηση δυνατότητα που δόθηκε στη ιδρυτές τους. Είτε Kung Fu, Καράτε ή Τζούντο, the founder took the skills learned in previous martial arts, modified it and defeated everyone. These claims are

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Great Advice – If You Are 20


As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come back to more traditional bodybuilding training as a supplement to my martial arts training. Traditional bodybuilding is less ballistic and leaves me less vulnerable to injury. When I was younger, I never worried about injury nor did I get injured often. Once I passed 35 years old though, I started getting injured much more

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My Martial Arts Journey Begins


Martial artists always created their arts to solve a problem. Judo was created when Dr. Jigoro Kano put his mind to solving the problem of how to train at 100 percent effort without getting someone injured by the crippling techniques of Japanese Ju-Jitsu. Helio Gracie created the basis for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by trying to solve the problem of how a

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Brilliant If Not Entertaining


Ryan Hall fought Gray Maynard at the TUF 24 Finale on December 3, 2016. I heard about the bout on the Anik and Florian podcast. Ray Longo talked about the bout and shared his concerns that Hall completely shut down Maynard but his style may make it difficult for him to get fights. After watching the bout, I understand what

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As Written


A few weeks ago, I started another twelve week program focused on putting on muscle mass. The primary focus of the program is lifting heavier weights and using free weights primarily. The well-respected personal trainer, who designed the program, insists that you follow it “as written”, a common ask from program designers. I trained legs on the first day. When

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About Leg Locks


I recently watched the Eddie Bravo Invitational 13: The Lightweights, where über talented Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt Gary Tonan defended his title. I enjoy the EBIs more than most of the other non-UFC events on UFC Fight Pass, the Ultimate Fighting Championship subscription streaming service. Tonan is famous for his leg locks but I noticed most of the competitors were

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Black Belts Need Skill and Character

trey -getting -black -belt

At our fantasy football draft this year, one of the other owners asked me who I thought was the best mixed martial artist of all time. I told him that based on skill, the greatest mixed martial artist of all time was Jon “Bones” Jones. Ωστόσο, Jones’ frequent problems outside of the Octagon would keep him from being considered the

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Olympics Effect on Judo and Taekwondo


My daughter asked me the other day if I had seen any of the Olympic Judo. She was surprised when I told her I had not. Besides being a black belt in Taekwondo, I’m a brown belt in Judo. Like both my sons, Caity trained in both TKD and Judo as well. Ωστόσο, I find most of the Olympic process

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Why I Studied the Martial Arts I Have


Εμείς περιλαμβάνονται τέσσερις ή περισσότερες πολεμικές τέχνες στο βιογραφικό ακαδημία μας. Όταν κοιτάζω αυτές τις τέχνες, Βλέπω ένα ξεχωριστό λόγο που έχω μελετήσει κάθε μία. Αυτά τα εξώφυλλα εντυπωσιακή, αγωνίζεται, καταπολέμηση του εδάφους και ένα πρακτικό όπλο αυτοάμυνας, το ζαχαροκάλαμο. Άρχισα να μελετώ Shotokan karate το φθινόπωρο του 1994. I switched to Taekwondo with my nephew in the Spring of 1995. Taekwondo brought

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