Why I Studied the Martial Arts I Have

مجھے توڑنے 1996

We included four or more martial arts in our academy’s curriculum. When I look at these arts, I see a distinct reason that I studied each one. These arts cover striking, جوجھ, ground fighting and a practical self-defense weapon, the cane. I started studying Shotokan karate in the Fall of 1994. I switched to Taekwondo with my nephew in the Spring of 1995. Taekwondo brought

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Olympics Effect on Judo and Taekwondo

زیمر مین اکیڈمی لوگو

My daughter asked me the other day if I had seen any of the Olympic Judo. She was surprised when I told her I had not. Besides being a black belt in Taekwondo, I’m a brown belt in Judo. Like both my sons, Caity trained in both TKD and Judo as well. تاہم, میں اس میں بنائے گئے سیاسی تحفظات کو ناپسند کرتا ہوں۔

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اصل کہانیاں: حقیقت یا افسانہ?

کانو اور میفون

جب میں نے پہلی بار مارشل آرٹس کی تربیت شروع کی۔ 1995, زیادہ تر مارشل آرٹس کی بنیاد سے جڑی کہانیاں ان کے بانیوں سے منسوب جسمانی قابلیت اور لڑنے کی صلاحیت کے مافوق الفطرت کارناموں کے ساتھ بہت شاندار تھیں۔. کنگ فو چاہے, کراٹے یا جوڈو, بانی نے پچھلے مارشل آرٹس میں سیکھی ہوئی مہارتیں لیں۔, اس میں ترمیم کی اور سب کو شکست دی۔. یہ دعوے ہیں۔

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میں کشتی 1904 سینٹ میں اولمپکس. لوئس

1904-موسم گرما کے اولمپکس

جمعہ, اکتوبر 14, اور ہفتہ, اکتوبر 15, 1904, 42 میں پہلوانوں 7 وزن کی کلاس فری اسٹائل کشتی کے طریقہ کار میں لڑا پہلی اولمپک گیمز میں ملاقات کی. پہلے اولمپک کھیل کشتی کے گریکو رومن انداز میں لڑا گیا. The 1904 اولمپکس کے ساتھ مل کر میں منعقد کیا گیا تھا 1904 سینٹ میں دنیا کے میلے. لوئس, MO. سینٹ. Louis was well-represented in

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Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

زیمر مین اکیڈمی لوگو

Last week, it was testing preparation at Willow Martial Arts. We went through the walking drills, forms and self-defense required for Taekwondo testing. As I observed the students preparing, I remembered a statement Master Pat Weseman often told me when I was a colored belt preparing for my next Taekwondo test. “Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.”

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Why We Use Canes

سبز گنے کی تکنیک

Most self-defense programs are made up of striking or grappling techniques. A few self-defense systems use techniques from both. Striking and grappling techniques can both be effective but sometimes a defender needs an equalizer. Policeman carry night sticks and tasers for this reason. The laws of the United States ban most weapons but one tool legal to carry anywhere is

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Practical Application of Forms

زیمر مین اکیڈمی لوگو

When most students start forms training, their main focus is on learning the proper sequence of the techniques to perform the pattern in the prescribed manner. It is unusual for a beginning or even intermediate student to think too much about what they are doing with the techniques and what they are defending against. Is the technique straight forward or

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