Theodore Roosevelt on Judo


Theodore Roosevelt served as the twenty-sixth President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. TR is famous for the “Strenuous Life”. He practiced boxing and wrestling through his twenties and thirties. What is not as widely known is that he practiced Judo around 1904, when he was in his mid-40s. Roosevelt would eventually earn a brown belt in Judo. Yoshiaki

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Why Do Traditionalist Despise MMA?


Warum traditionelle Kampfkünstler weiter die Lehren aus Mixed Martial Arts verachten? Ich bin erstaunt, dass zwanzig Jahre nach Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 1, Einige traditionelle Kampfsportarten haben immer noch das Gefühl, dass sie von MMA nichts lernen können. Einer der Taekwondo-Turniere, wo ich früher Schiedsrichter, has a submission grappling division. When I had a break, Ich

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Huo Yuanjia und der Chin Woo Vereinigung


Huo Yuanjia was a real life hero, die mythischen Geschichten über sein Leben inspiriert. His life and expoloits have been the basis of films starring Bruce Lee and Jet Li. Die wirkliche Huo Yuanjia besiegt viele ausländische Kämpfer, als China von anderen Ländern in den späten 1800er und frühen 1900er Jahren zum Opfer. His exploits were a source of pride at a time,

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Conditioning from 2006 to 2010


This training program is what I used from 2006 to 2008, while I was training in both Taekwondo and Judo. Im Allgemeinen, I performed conditioning workouts in the morning and martial arts workouts in the evening. Conditioning Schedule Monday A.M.: Chest, Biceps, Elliptical Trainer Tuesday A.M.: Thighs, Calves, Recumbent Bike Tuesday P.M.: Shoulders, Triceps, Forms Friday A.M.: Back, Abs, Elliptical

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