Theodore Roosevelt on Judo

תיאודור רוזוולט-מחייך

Theodore Roosevelt served as the twenty-sixth President of the United States from 1901 <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "787" = bbox_w "796" = bbox_h "12" = fsize "20" = fweight "14" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = " 1909. TR is famous for the “Strenuous Life”. He practiced boxing and wrestling through his twenties and thirties. What is not as widely known is that he practiced Judo around 1904, when he was in his mid-40s. Roosevelt would eventually earn a brown belt in Judo. Yoshiaki

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Why Do Traditionalist Despise MMA?


למה אמני לחימה מסורתיים שימשיכו לתעב את הלקחים של אומנויות לחימה מעורבות? I am amazed that twenty years after Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 1, כמה אומנויות לחימה מסורתיות עדיין מרגישות שאין להן מה ללמוד מ-MMA. אחד טורנירי טאקוונדו, שבו נהגתי שופט, יש חלוקה הגשה מתמודדת. כאשר היה לי הפסקה, <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "359" = bbox_w "1462" = bbox_h "4" = fsize "20" = fweight "14" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = "

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The Day American Martial Arts Changed


בנובמבר 12, 1993 at the McNichols Sports Arena in Denver, Colorado, a fourth degree black belt in the little known art of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (commonly called Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the United States) cut through an eight man style versus style martial arts tournament. Royce Gracie would turn the martial arts world on its head. After his walk through the

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Leading Classes in America


While many of the martial arts originated in Korea or Japan, the societies in these countries and the United States are very different. <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "789" = bbox_w "653" = bbox_h "21" = fsize "20" = fweight "14" = אדום = ירוק "3" "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = ", many American instructors continue to have students line up by rank and sex with men first, boys second, women third and girls last. While this line up would be normal and expected in Korea, it does

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הואו Yuanjia וצ'ין וו האיגוד


Huo Yuanjia was a real life hero, שהשראת סיפורים מיתיים על חייו. His life and expoloits have been the basis of films starring Bruce Lee and Jet Li. הואו Yuanjia האמיתי ניצח הרבה לוחמים זרים, כאשר סין הייתה להיות קורבן על ידי מדינות אחרות בסוף 1800s ו1900s מוקדם. His exploits were a source of pride at a time,

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Martial Arts from 2006 <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "787" = bbox_w "796" = bbox_h "12" = fsize "20" = fweight "14" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = " 2010

אני שובר-1996

This article is the second of two posts, which detail the conditioning and martial arts workouts I performed from 2006 <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "787" = bbox_w "796" = bbox_h "12" = fsize "20" = fweight "14" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = " 2010. אני השתמשתי בתכנית זו כדי להרוויח את החגורה שלי מדרגה השנייה השחורה בטאקוונדו וחגורה חומה תואר שלישי בג'ודו. Martial Arts Workouts Monday P.M.: Judo Class Wednesday P.M.: Advanced TKD Workout Thursday P.M.: TKD Kid’s and

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Conditioning from 2006 <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "787" = bbox_w "796" = bbox_h "12" = fsize "20" = fweight "14" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = " 2010


This training program is what I used from 2006 <תוחלת bbox_x = bbox_y "787" = bbox_w "796" = bbox_h "12" = fsize "20" = fweight "14" = ירוק "3" אדום = "255" = "255" כחול = אלפא "255" = " 2008, בזמן שאני מתאמן בטאקוונדו וגם ג'ודו. בכלל, I performed conditioning workouts in the morning and martial arts workouts in the evening. אוויר לוח זמנים יום שני לפני הצהרים: חזה, שריר הזרוע, Elliptical Trainer Tuesday A.M.: Thighs, Calves, Recumbent Bike Tuesday P.M.: Shoulders, Triceps, Forms Friday A.M.: Back, Abs, Elliptical

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Self-Defense is Situational


הרעיון לפוסט הזה החל לנבוט במוח שלי לפני כמה שבועות, when I was in the store to spend my birthday money and found an article about self-defense positions. טאקוונדו הוא סגנון הבסיס שלי, למרות שאנו מוסיפים המון ג'ודו, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and cane techniques into our system. I expected to see realistic self-defense but found

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