Greatest Judo Fight Ever Filmed


Peminat Judo mungkin tidak sedar bahawa salah satu pergaduhan Judo terbesar yang pernah berlaku dalam filem wayang gambar daripada 1945, Darah pada Matahari (link affiliate). James Cagney, yang merupakan tali pinggang coklat dalam Judo, bintang dalam filem itu sebagai Nick Condon, editor akhbar Amerika untuk Tokyo Chronicle sebelum pengeboman Pearl Harbor. A few Japanese government officials

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Helio Gracie’s Original 40 Lessons


One of the best Christmas gifts I ever received was a VHS tape of Grand Master Helio Gracie’s original 40 lesson curriculum from the Gracie Academy in Torrance, California. The Grand Master filmed his original curriculum with his grandsons, Ryron and Rener Gracie. The Grand Master must have been in his mid-eighties, yet his technique was still very crisp and sharp. Ryron

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Bagaimana saya Ditemui Jujitsu


Apabila saya adalah seorang kanak-kanak membesar di St. Louis, hanya seni mempertahankan diri yang saya telah mendengar kira-kira adalah Karate. Taekwondo dianggap Korea Karate. Saya tidak tahu tentang mana-mana seni bergelut pada ketika itu. Walau bagaimanapun, KPLR Channel 11 ran a series of films on Saturdays for a month featuring Mr. Moto, played by Peter Lorre.

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Martial Arts Is A Family Affair


One of the best thing about the martial arts such as Taekwondo is the ability for fathers, mothers, children, grandchildren and other family members to train together. You develop a mutual interest you cannot replicate by sitting in the stands watching your children play baseball, soccer, dan lain-lain. Besides training with all three of my kids and my wife, who trained

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