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trey -getting -black -belt

Апреля 27, 2013, on what would have been his grandfather and namesake’s 71st birthday, Кругозор “Тройка” Zimmerman III became the first black belt in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System under his father Ken Zimmerman Jr. “Тройка” began studying martial arts shortly before his fifth birthday. “Тройка” has trained in Taekwondo, Дзюдо, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Gojo Shroei Weapons System. His goals

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Why Do Traditionalist Despise MMA?


Почему традиционные боевые художники продолжают презирать уроки смешанных единоборств? Я поражен, что через двадцать лет после Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 1, some traditional martial arts still feel that they have nothing to learn from MMA. Один из турниров по тхэквондо, где я раньше рефери, has a submission grappling division. When I had a break, Я

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Теодор Рузвельт на дзюдо

Theodore-Рузвельт улыбается

Theodore Roosevelt served as the twenty-sixth President of the United States from 1901 для 1909. TR is famous for the “Деятельная жизнь”. Он практиковал единоборства через его двадцатых и тридцатых годов. What is not as widely known is that he practiced Judo around 1904, when he was in his mid-40s. Roosevelt would eventually earn a brown belt in Judo. Yoshiaki

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Leading Classes in America


While many of the martial arts originated in Korea or Japan, the societies in these countries and the United States are very different. Еще, many American instructors continue to have students line up by rank and sex with men first, boys second, women third and girls last. While this line up would be normal and expected in Korea, it does

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Martial Arts from 2006 для 2010


This article is the second of two posts, which detail the conditioning and martial arts workouts I performed from 2006 для 2010. Я использовал эту программу, чтобы заработать свой второй степени черный пояс по таэквондо и третьей степени коричневый пояс в дзюдо. Martial Arts Workouts Monday P.M.: Judo Class Wednesday P.M.: Advanced TKD Workout Thursday P.M.: TKD Kid’s and

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Twin Killers: Panic and Hesitation


If you are confronted with a self-defense situation, two things will lead you to be seriously injured or killed. The two things are panic and/or hesitation. In my professional career, I have confronted two armed suspects. I am going to dissect one of the incidents to illustrate how it could have turned out differently. I was working retail security in

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Conditioning from 2006 для 2010


This training program is what I used from 2006 для 2008, в то время как я тренировался как в тхэквондо и дзюдо. В общем, I performed conditioning workouts in the morning and martial arts workouts in the evening. Расписание принадлежности понедельник А.М.: Грудь, Бицепс, Elliptical Trainer Tuesday A.M.: Thighs, Calves, Recumbent Bike Tuesday P.M.: Shoulders, Triceps, Forms Friday A.M.: Back, Abs, Elliptical

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Reintroduced to MMA in 2005


Spike TV began to broadcast a show that would put mixed martial arts on the mainstream map. 16 fighters lived in a house and competed in a tournament to see which two fighters would win a six figure UFC contract. The Ultimate Fighter would change television and the UFC for good. At one point during the Finale, ten million households

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Training Instructors From a Young Age


One of the things that always impressed me about the Gracies is how they were able to turn out generation after generation of top-notch instructors. After reading a number of articles about their original belt system, <Промежуток bbox_x = "808" bbox_y = "608" bbox_w = "23" bbox_h = "20" FSIZE = "14" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = ", I started to adapt some of their methods with our own students. Once the student reaches Green Belt, we allow them to start

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Self-Defense is Situational


Идея для этого поста стала прорастать в моем мозгу пару недель назад, when I was in the store to spend my birthday money and found an article about self-defense positions. Тхэквондо является моей базой стиль, хотя мы добавить много дзюдо, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and cane techniques into our system. I expected to see some realistic self-defense but

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