Ned O’Baldwin Shot


In early March 1873, bare knuckle prizefighter Ned “The Irish Giant” O’Baldwin was preparing for a potential match with Jem Mace, who claimed the World Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship. Tačiau, before O’Baldwin could face Mace, he served as a second for a friend and fellow prizefighter named Hicken. Profesionali kova XIX amžiuje turėjo prastą reputaciją už jos ribų

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Marvin Hart laimi laisvas darbo Antraštė


Liepos 3, 1905, Marvin Hart entered the fight for the vacant world title as a 3 į 1 underdog. Jack Root who would be the first light heavyweight championship was the favorite to succeed the recently retired James J. Jeffries. Jeffries would referee this title match to replace him. Marvin Hart had recently beaten Jack Johnson. Widely considered the

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Abe Attell and St. Louis Boxing


Į 2010, St. Louis buvo 58th pagal dydį miestas Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose ir 19 pagal dydį metropolinės zonos. Aplink amžių sandūroje, buvo penkta ar šešta pagal dydį miestas Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose ir didžiausias į vakarus nuo Misisipės upės. St. Louis turėjo vieną didžiausių drabužių, shoe and beer manufacturing industries in

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“Terrible” Terry Dies in Charity Hospital


Vasario 22, 1918, former World Bantamweight and Featherweight Boxing Champion “Terrible” Terry McGovern died in New York City’s Kings County Hospital. McGovern checked in a few days earlier with what McGovern thought was a severe upper respiratory infection. Tačiau, doctors diagnosed pneumonia. McGovern went from walking and talking to unresponsive in just one or two days. McGovern never recovered.

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Kovojantis Levinskis laimėjo pirmąjį titulą


Niekas nepasinaudojo profesionalaus bokso, kaip „Battling Levinsky“, „No Decision“ era. Levinskis buvo įgudęs gynybos boksininkas, kuris per muštynes ​​nedaug žalos padarė. Kai žurnalas „Ring“ jo paklausė, kodėl jis toks aktyvus, kartais imdamas 3 kovoja per dieną aplink Niujorką, - sakė Levinskis, “Man patinka pinigai ir aš niekada nesusižaloju.” Levinskis buvo

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Fitz Dethrones Corbett in 1897


On March 17, 1897, current World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Corbett entered the boxing ring at Carson City, Nevada. Corbett faced the challenge of former middleweight boxing champion Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett entered as the favorite enjoying both an almost twenty pound weight advantage and slick boxing skills. “Ruddy Robert” as Fitzsimmons was sometimes known won the World Middleweight Boxing Championship in

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Jeffries KOs Corbett


Gegužės 11, 1900, World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Jeffries fought his former employer James J. Corbett. Corbett held the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship in the early 1890s. Corbett hired the powerfully built Jeffires to help him prepare for his title challengers. Jeffries went on to win the world title from the man, who beat Corbett, Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett

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