Tammany Thugs Murder Bill the Butcher


In July 1854, the World Bareknuckle Prizefighting Champion John Morrissey, who also severed as Tammany Hall enforcer, challenged William “Bill Řezník” Poole to a no holds barred street fight. The result was a terrible beating and several month recovery for John Morrissey. Morrissey would have likely won a bareknuckle prizefight with Poole, a part-time prizefighter himself. Morrissey made a

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Thug Beats World Champ in Street Brawl


Července 26, 1854, holé koleno mistr John Morrissey se setkal občas holé koleno stíhací William Poole v žádná pravidla pouliční rvačce. To, co následovalo by být nejhorší pět minut John Morrissey života. Října 23, 1853, the 22-year-old Morrissey beat Yankee Sullivan for the world bare knuckle championship in a disputed decision. Sullivan actually knocked Morrissey out

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