Tammany Thugs Murder Bill the Butcher


Em Julho 1854, Mundo Bareknuckle prizefighting Champion John Morrissey, que também cortou como Tammany salão executor, desafiou William “Bill the Butcher” Poole a uma briga de rua não detém barradas. O resultado foi um terrível espancamento e vários meses de recuperação para John Morrissey. Morrissey would have likely won a bareknuckle prizefight with Poole, a part-time prizefighter himself. Morrissey made a

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Thug Beats World Champ in Street Brawl


On July 26, 1854, the bare knuckle champion John Morrissey met occasional bare knuckle fighter William Poole in a no rules street brawl. What followed would be the worst five minutes of John Morrissey’s life. Em outubro 23, 1853, the 22-year-old Morrissey beat Yankee Sullivan for the world bare knuckle championship in a disputed decision. Sullivan actually knocked Morrissey out

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Manassa Mauler Knocks Out Giant in 1919


Ao fazer a pesquisa, Eu encontrei esta imagem da formação Manassa Mauler para sua 04 de julho, 1919 luta pelo título com Jess Willard, World Heavyweight Boxing Campeões. Willard had knocked out the great Jack Johnson in 1915 to become champion. Willard era um gigante de um homem às 6’06” e 235 libras. He posed a threat to anyone based on size alone. However,

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