Betejat e Jem Mace Joe Coburn


Në nëntor 30, 1871, a large crowd of men boarded ten rail cars on the New Orleans, Mobile and Texas railroad as it stopped on Canal Street in New Orleans, Louisiana. The train continued on to Montgomery Station near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, where the crowd left the rain and made their way into the woods. Such an odd procession

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Postime rreth boksit të 19-të dhe fillimit të shekullit të 20-të

Postime rreth boksit të 19-të dhe fillimit të shekullit të 20-të

James J. Postime rreth boksit të 19-të dhe fillimit të shekullit të 20-të 1899 në 1904. Postime rreth boksit të 19-të dhe fillimit të shekullit të 20-të 1899, Postime rreth boksit të 19-të dhe fillimit të shekullit të 20-të 9 Postime rreth boksit të 19-të dhe fillimit të shekullit të 20-të. Postime rreth boksit të 19-të dhe fillimit të shekullit të 20-të 1905 Postime rreth boksit të 19-të dhe fillimit të shekullit të 20-të. Postime rreth boksit të 19-të dhe fillimit të shekullit të 20-të

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Ad Wolgast Wins Lightweight Title


Të martën, Shkurt 22, 1910, Ad Wolgast challenged World Lightweight Boxing Champion Battling Nelson for Nelson’s title at Richmond Arena in Point Richmond, Kaliforni. The 28-year-old Nelson won the title by knocking out the great Joe Gans in 1908. Boxing experts did not expect Wolgast to defeat Nelson even though Wolgast held a newspaper decision over Nelson in 1909. Pundits

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Tom Hyer Beats Yankee Sullivan


Tom Hyer fitoi kampionatin amerikan Bare grusht Prizefighting në 1841. Ashtu si shumica e kampionëve prizefighting të shekullit të nëntëmbëdhjetë, ai nuk ka luftuar shumë shpesh. Hyer normalisht paguhen faturat e tij si një zbatues për partitë politike në Nju Jork. Fillimisht, Hyer employed his talents for the Whigs but would switch allegiances to the “Know Nothing Party” with his friend William

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Peter Jackson Fights Frank Slavin


Të hënën, Maj 30, 1892, the great Peter Jackson boxed a gloved bout with former protégé Frank Slavin. Both men lived and fought in Australia, although fan interest led Jackson to tour the world to take advantage of the financial opportunities in the United States and England. As in Australia, Jackson often found white boxers unwilling to fight him. Few

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Abe Attell Defeats Forbes


St. Louis, at the beginning of the 20th Century, had a prominent professional boxing scene. Abe Attell, although born in San Francisco, was based in St. Louis. Në shkurt 1, 1904, Attell defended his World Featherweight Boxing Championship against frequent rival Harry Forbes. Forbes was also a regular on the St. Louis boxing scene. Forbes defeated Danny Dougherty for the

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Sam Langford Fights for Welter Title

Sam Langford lufton fëmijën Dixie

Sam Langford është konsideruar si një funt të madh për luftëtarët paund të të gjitha kohërave. Born on March 4, 1883 në Weymouth Falls, Nova Scotia, he is considered the greatest Canadian boxer of all time. His fighting career stretched from 1900 në 1926. Langford only stood 5 feet six and half inches tall and weighed 185 pounds at his heaviest. Ai

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Jem Mace Establishes World Title Again


Në maj 10, 1870, 39-year-old prizefighter Jem Mace met 30-year-old prizefighter Tom Allen in Kennerville, Louisiana for the World Heavyweight Prizefighting Championship. Claims to the championship were very murky at the time. Thuggery and dirty tricks often obscured who was actually American Champion. Jem Mace, who was considered World Champion twice while fighting in England, was signed to meet Tom

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