Tom Allen Wins, Kind Of


During the 19th century, both prizefighters and duelists took advantage of the sandbar islands in the Mississippi River, around St. Louis, Missouri, to hold prizefights or duels. Authorities have frowned on duels to the death in any location. Jedoch, both Illinois and Missouri also outlawed prizefighting. Bloody Island in the middle of the Mississippi River just north of Downtown St.

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Johnny Reagan stirbt in St. Louis


Johnny Reagan war ein wichtiger Kämpfer in der St. Louis-Boxszene im ersten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ursprünglich aus Brooklyn, Reagan zog nach St. Louis soll unter Jack McKenna trainieren. McKenna hatte seinen Sitz in St. Louis, wo sein Kämpfer hauptsächlich in St. kämpfte. Louis’ West End Club. Reagan was a rising bantamweight at the time

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Tom Allen Shoots Patron


Tom Allen was born in Birmingham, England on April 23, 1840 but he became famous as a heavyweight bare knuckle prizefighter in America. Settling in St. Louis around 1867, Allen won the American Heavyweight Championship in 1873 and held the title until 1876. He returned to England for a year before returning to St. Louis for good in 1878. Back

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Ketchel Starches Sullivan


Mike “Twin” Sullivan claimed the Welterweight World Boxing Championship, when he decisioned Honey Mellody in April 1907. Possessing both heavy hands and better than normal boxing skills, Sullivan claimed victories over the great Joe Gans and future Welterweight World Boxing Champion Harry Lewis during his career. Lewis won the welterweight title, when Sullivan could no longer make the 147 pound

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Big Match Falls Through


In March 1893, newspapers across the country carried the story of a proposed match between current world light heavyweight boxing champion Jack McAuliffe and Saint Louis boxing instructor Mike Mooney. Although the match would seem odd because Mooney was such a lightly regarded challenger, the lure of $2500 a side is probably what brought the champion to the table. Adjusted

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Oliver Kirk und die 1904 St. Louis Olympia


Oliver Leonard Kirk hat die Unterscheidung des Seins der einzige Olympia-Boxer eine Goldmedaille in zwei Gewichtsklassen in den gleichen Olympischen Spielen. Oliver Kirk diese Leistung in seiner Heimatstadt Olympischen Spiele in 1904. St. Louis Gastgeber des dritten Olympiade während der 1904 Weltausstellung Exposition. Like the Paris Games four years before, St. Louis gave

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Jake Kilrain Boxen zu einem Unentschieden


Während berühmt für die Bekämpfung von John L. Sullivan in der letzten WM-Boxkampf unter Bare Knuckle Regeln bestritten, Jake Kilrain nahm auch in vielen behandschuhten Kämpfe Teil. Berufsboxkampf wurde Übergang von Bare Knuckle Regeln Kämpfe unter den Queensberry-Regeln behandschuhten (Anfang Amateur- und Profiboxen) im späten 19. Jahrhundert. wie Sullivan, Kilrain würde in dem großen Kampf

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Sam Langford kämpft gegen das Dixie Kid


As I have written in several posts, the best heavyweight boxers between 1900 und 1919 were the African-American boxers forced to fight each other for theColored Championship”. Even after the great Jack Johnson finally broke the color line and won the World Heavyweight Championship, he would only defend the title against white contenders. As a result, the toughest challengers

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