Tom Allen Wins, Kind Of


During the 19th century, both prizefighters and duelists took advantage of the sandbar islands in the Mississippi River, around St. Louis, Мисури, to hold prizefights or duels. Authorities have frowned on duels to the death in any location. Сепак, both Illinois and Missouri also outlawed prizefighting. Bloody Island in the middle of the Mississippi River just north of Downtown St.

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Johnny Reagan Dies in St. Louis


Johnny Reagan was an important fighter in the St. Louis boxing scene during the first decade of the 20th Century. Originally from Brooklyn, Reagan moved to St. Louis to train under Jack McKenna. McKenna based his operation out of St. Louis, where his fighter primarily fought at St. Louis’ West End Club. Reagan was a rising bantamweight at the time

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Том Ален пука покровител

британскиот награден борец-том-ален-во-подоцнежните години-околу-1897 година

Том Ален е роден во Бирмингем, England on April 23, 1840 но тој стана познат како борец со голи зглобови во тешка категорија во Америка. Населувајќи се во Св. Louis around 1867, Ален го освои американското првенство во тешка категорија во 1873 и ја задржа титулата до 1876. Се вратил во Англија една година пред да се врати во Св. Луис за добро во 1878. Back

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Ketchel Starches Sullivan

Стенли-Кетчел-1910 година

Mike “Twin” Sullivan claimed the Welterweight World Boxing Championship, when he decisioned Honey Mellody in April 1907. Possessing both heavy hands and better than normal boxing skills, Sullivan claimed victories over the great Joe Gans and future Welterweight World Boxing Champion Harry Lewis during his career. Lewis won the welterweight title, when Sullivan could no longer make the 147 pound

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Големиот натпревар пропаѓа


In March 1893, newspapers across the country carried the story of a proposed match between current world light heavyweight boxing champion Jack McAuliffe and Saint Louis boxing instructor Mike Mooney. Although the match would seem odd because Mooney was such a lightly regarded challenger, the lure of $2500 a side is probably what brought the champion to the table. Adjusted

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Оливер Кирк и 1904 St. Луис Олимпијада


Оливер Леонард Кирк има разлика да биде единствената олимписки боксер да освои златен медал во две одделни тежина настава во иста Олимписките игри. Оливер Кирк оствари овој подвиг во неговиот роден град Олимписките игри во 1904. St. Луис беше домаќин на третиот олимпијада за време на 1904 Светот саем шоу. Like the Paris Games four years before, St. Louis gave

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Dan Daly Beats Ed Kelly


In December 1920, robbers killed Patrolman Charles Daly at the entrance to his home in the 4000 block of Forest Park Boulevard. St. Louis Police aggressively investigated the murder but it was never solved. Prior to his death, the Daly name was already well-known in St. Louis. Charles Daly was the son of professional prizefighter Dan Daly, who fought in

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Jake Kilrain Boxes to a Draw


While famous for fighting John L. Sullivan in the last world championship prizefight contested under bare knuckle rules, Jake Kilrain also took part in many gloved bouts. Prizefighting was transitioning from bare knuckle rules to gloved bouts under the Marquess of Queensberry Rules (early amateur and professional boxing) in the late 19th Century. Like Sullivan, Kilrain would fight in major

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Сем Ленгфорд се бори против Дикси Кид


Како што имам напишано во неколку постови, најдобрите боксери во тешка категорија меѓу 1900 и 1919 беа принудени афро-американските боксери да се борат меѓу себе за “Шампионат во боја”. Дури и откако одличниот Џек Џонсон конечно ја проби линијата на бои и го освои Светскиот шампионат во тешка категорија, тој би ја бранел титулата само против белите претенденти. As a result, најтешките предизвикувачи

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Sam McVey Puts Pressure on the Champ


Sam McVey would win the World Colored Heavyweight Boxing Championship in an era where the three best fighters were black and frozen out of the title picture. He started 1903 out so well, he would put pressure on World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Jeffries to give him a match. Jeffries refused to break the “color line” by giving a

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