Jack Johnson and The Fight of the Century


After Jack Johnson became champion, a lack of strong contenders caused public pressure to mount on James J. Jeffires, the retired former heavyweight champion, to end his retirement and fight Johnson. Jeffries was considered the first and most credible of the “White Hope” contenders. In his prime, Jeffries probably couldn’t beat Johnson. At 35 years of age and nearly 300

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Gentleman Jim KOs Boston Strong Boy


John L. Sullivan had dominated the prize ring during his career. Possessing a record of 40 wins, no losses and two draws, “The Boston Strong Boy” was considered invincible. Sullivan won the world championship in 1882 and dispensed all challengers culminating with the Fight of the Nineteenth Century with Jake Kilrain. After defeating Kilrain in this epic bout, John L.

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Sullivan Wins Fight of the 19th Century


John L. Sullivan fue el peso pesado de transición premio campeón de lucha. He transitioned prize fighting from the bare knuckle era to modern boxing under the Marquis of Queensbury rules by refusing to fight in any more non-gloved bouts. Before he made this pledge, he took part in the Fight of the 19th Century with the formidable Jake Kilrain. Jake Kilrain was

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Paddy Ryan Wins The Title


Las pocas personas que conocen el boxeador Paddy Ryan probablemente lo conocen como John L. Víctima de Sullivan. Sullivan derrotó a Ryan para el Campeonato Peso Pesado de boxeo profesional en 1882. Aunque Ryan era un buen luchador por derecho propio.. Ryan nació en marzo 15, 1851 en Irlanda. Su familia emigró a Troy, Nueva York. Ryan era conocido a lo largo de su

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“Terrible” Terry Beats Dixon for Title


En enero 5, 1900, four days before a showdown with Bantamweight Boxing Champion Terry McGovern, Featherweight World Boxing Champion George Dixon made an announcement to chill the spine of all his supporters. Dixon announced that win or lose, he would be retiring from the ring after the bout with McGovern. The last thing a manager wants to hear before a

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Wrestling Champion Intenta Boxeo


El martes, Enero 19, 1909, Dr. Benjamin Roller, un médico de Seattle y luchador profesional que era lo suficientemente bueno para ganar el campeonato de peso pesado estadounidense, inexplicablemente decidió probar suerte en el boxeo profesional. Su oponente era amigo y compañero de entrenamiento, “Denver” Ed Martin, quién iba a ganar el Campeonato Mundial Peso Pesado de Boxeo color. Dr. Benjamin Franklin Roller was a unique athlete

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An Epic 61 Round Draw


In this post, which was previously a podcast, we will discuss the epic sixty-one round draw between James J. Corbett and Peter Jackson in 1891. This bout prepared Corbett for his successful challenge of John L. Sullivan in 1892. Contenido Principal – En marzo de 21, 1891, the most serious contender for the inactive John L. Sullivan’s world championship broke the color

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Boxeadores se reúnen en Liverpool Pub


For the October 5, 1861 edition of the Cincinnati Daily Press, editors pulled a story off the wire service from the Spirit of the Times. The wire story reported on a fight between former English prizefighting champion Tom Sayers and current English champion Jem Mace. Both Sayers and Mace were touring with English circuses, when they stopped in at a

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Sam McVey Gran Mano derecha


Sam McVey cansado de la falta de oportunidades para los combatientes negros en los Estados Unidos a principios del siglo XX. McVey decidió salir para Europa en 1907, donde luchó hasta 1911. McVey luchó en Australia durante tres años más antes de regresar a los Estados Unidos. Esta breve película más destacado de Francia en 1911 con “Battling” Jim Johnson shows

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Langford derrota a La Gran Gans


En diciembre 8, 1903, Sam Langford luchó contra el actual campeón de boxeo de peso ligero en su ciudad natal de Boston, Massachusetts. Antes de la lucha contra Langford, la mayoría de los expertos del boxeo Joe Gans sentían no podría ser mejor, en un combate legítimo. Nacido en Baltimore, Maryland, Gans fue capaz de romper la barrera del color al ganar el Campeonato Mundial de Boxeo peso ligero. Sam Langford is often considered

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