Jack Johnson եւ պայքարը - րդ դարի


After Jack Johnson became champion, a lack of strong contenders caused public pressure to mount on James J. Jeffires, պաշտոնաթող նախկին ծանրորդ չեմպիոն, to end his retirement and fight Johnson. Jeffries was considered the first and most credible of the “Սպիտակները Hope” թեկնածուները. Իր վարչապետը, Jeffries probably couldn’t beat Johnson. Ի 35 տարեկան եւ գրեթե 300

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Gentleman Jim KOs Boston Strong Boy


JOHN L. Sullivan էր գերիշխում մրցանակային մատանին իր կարիերայի. Ունեցող արձանագրում 40 հաղթանակ, ոչ կորուստները եւ երկու ոչ - ոքի, “Բոստոնի Ուժեղ Boy” համարվում էր անհաղթ. Sullivan հաղթել աշխարհի առաջնությունը 1882 եւ ելքագրված բոլոր գործընկերների կիզակետին հասած հետ պայքարում տասնիններորդ դարում հետ Jake Kilrain. After defeating Kilrain in this epic bout, JOHN L.

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Sullivan Wins Fight of the 19th Century


JOHN L. Sullivan էր անցումային ծանրորդ մրցանակ պայքարը չեմպիոն. He transitioned prize fighting from the bare knuckle era to modern boxing under the Marquis of Queensbury rules by refusing to fight in any more non-gloved bouts. Before he made this pledge, he took part in the Fight of the 19th Century with the formidable Jake Kilrain. Jake Kilrain was

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Paddy Ryan Wins The Title


The few people who know about the prizefighter Paddy Ryan probably know him as John L. Sullivan’s victim. Sullivan beat Ryan for the Heavyweight Prizefighting Championship in 1882. Ryan was a good fighter in his own right though. Ryan was born on March 15, 1851 in Ireland. His family emigrated to Troy, New York. Ryan was known through out his

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“Terrible” Terry Beats Dixon for Title


Հունվարի 5, 1900, four days before a showdown with Bantamweight Boxing Champion Terry McGovern, Featherweight World Boxing Champion George Dixon made an announcement to chill the spine of all his supporters. Dixon announced that win or lose, he would be retiring from the ring after the bout with McGovern. The last thing a manager wants to hear before a

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Wrestling Champion փորձում Բռնցքամարտ


Երեքշաբթի, Հունվար 19, 1909, Dr. Benjamin Roller, a Seattle physician and pro wrestler who was good enough to win the American Heavyweight Championship, inexplicably decided to try his hand at professional boxing. His opponent was friend and sparring partner, “Denver” Ed Martin, who would win the Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship. Dr. Benjamin Franklin Roller was a unique athlete

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An Epic 61 Round Draw


In this post, which was previously a podcast, we will discuss the epic sixty-one round draw between James J. Corbett and Peter Jackson in 1891. This bout prepared Corbett for his successful challenge of John L. Sullivan in 1892. Main Content – Մարտի 21, 1891, the most serious contender for the inactive John L. Sullivan’s world championship broke the color

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Prizefighters Meet in Liverpool Pub


For the October 5, 1861 edition of the Cincinnati Daily Press, editors pulled a story off the wire service from the Spirit of the Times. The wire story reported on a fight between former English prizefighting champion Tom Sayers and current English champion Jem Mace. Both Sayers and Mace were touring with English circuses, when they stopped in at a

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Սեմ MCVEY Մեծ Աջը


Sam McVey tired of the lack of opportunity for black fighters in the United States during the early Twentieth Century. McVey decided to leave for Europe in 1907, where he fought until 1911. McVey fought in Australia for three more years before returning to the United States. This brief highlight film from France in 1911 with “Battling” Jim Johnson shows

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Langford հաղթեց Մեծ Gans


Դեկտեմբերի 8, 1903, Sam Langford կռվել տիրող թեթեւ բռնցքամարտիկի իր հայրենի քաղաքը եւ Բոստոնում, Մասաչուսեթս. Նախքան պայքարում Langford, Ամենա բռնցքամարտի փորձագետները զգում, Ջո Gans չի կարող ծեծել օրինական մենամարտը. Ծնվել է Baltimore, Մերիլենդ, Gans կարողացել է կոտրել գունավոր արգելքը, ըստ հաղթելով աշխարհի թեթեւ բռնցքամարտի առաջնությունը. Sam Langford is often considered

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