Jack Johnson u l-ġlieda tas-Seklu


After Jack Johnson became champion, a lack of strong contenders caused public pressure to mount on James J. Jeffires, l-eks champion heavyweight rtirati, to end his retirement and fight Johnson. Jeffries was considered the first and most credible of the “White Hope” kontendenti. Fil-prim tiegħu, Jeffries probably couldn’t beat Johnson. Fil 35 years of age and nearly 300

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Gentleman Jim KOs Boston Strong Boy


John L. Sullivan kien iddominat l-ring-premju matul il-karriera tiegħu. Jkollhom rekord ta ' 40 jirbaħ, ebda telf u tnejn jiġbed, “Il Boy Strong Boston” kien ikkunsidrat invincible. Sullivan rebaħ il-kampjonat mondjali fl 1882 u dispensat challengers kollha li jispiċċaw bil-Ġlieda tas-Seklu Dsatax ma Jake Kilrain. Wara kien jisfratta Kilrain f'dan bout epika, John L.

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Sullivan Wins Fight of the 19th Century


John L. Sullivan kien il transitorju heavyweight premju ġlied champion. He transitioned prize fighting from the bare knuckle era to modern boxing under the Marquis of Queensbury rules by refusing to fight in any more non-gloved bouts. Before he made this pledge, he took part in the Fight of the 19th Century with the formidable Jake Kilrain. Jake Kilrain was

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Paddy Ryan Wins The Title


Il-ftit nies li jafu dwar l-Prizefighter Paddy Ryan probabbilment jafu lilu bħala John L. Vittma Sullivan. Sullivan taħbit Ryan għall-Kampjonat Heavyweight Prizefighting fl 1882. Ryan was a good fighter in his own right though. Ryan was born on March 15, 1851 fl-Irlanda. Familja tiegħu emigraw lejn Troy, New York. Ryan was known through out his

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“Terrible” Terry Beats Dixon for Title


Fuq Jannar 5, 1900, four days before a showdown with Bantamweight Boxing Champion Terry McGovern, Featherweight World Boxing Champion George Dixon made an announcement to chill the spine of all his supporters. Dixon announced that win or lose, he would be retiring from the ring after the bout with McGovern. The last thing a manager wants to hear before a

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Wrestling Champion Tries Boxing


Nhar it-Tlieta, Jannar 19, 1909, Dr. Benjamin Roller, a Seattle physician and pro wrestler who was good enough to win the American Heavyweight Championship, inexplicably decided to try his hand at professional boxing. His opponent was friend and sparring partner, “Denver” Ed Martin, who would win the Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship. Dr. Benjamin Franklin Roller was a unique athlete

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Prizefighters Meet in Liverpool Pub


For the October 5, 1861 edition of the Cincinnati Daily Press, editors pulled a story off the wire service from the Spirit of the Times. The wire story reported on a fight between former English prizefighting champion Tom Sayers and current English champion Jem Mace. Both Sayers and Mace were touring with English circuses, when they stopped in at a

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Big Dritt Hand Sam McVey ta


Sam McVey għajjien tal-nuqqas ta 'opportunità għal ġellieda iswed fl-Istati Uniti matul il-seklu għoxrin kmieni. McVey iddeċieda li jħalli għall-Ewropa fl 1907, fejn huwa ġġieldu sakemm 1911. McVey ġġieldu fl-Awstralja għal tliet snin aktar qabel jirritornaw lejn l-Istati Uniti. Dan il-film jenfasizzaw qasira minn Franza fil 1911 ma “Battling” Jim Johnson shows

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Langford Defeats Il GANS Gran


Fuq Diċembru 8, 1903, Sam Langford ġġieldu l boxing champion renjanti ħfief fil Hometown tiegħu ta 'Boston, Massachusetts. Qabel ġlieda Langford, esperti boxing aktar ħassew Joe GANS ma setgħux jiġu megħluba fi bout leġittimu. Imwieled fl Baltimore, Maryland, GANS kien kapaċi li jiksru l-barriera kulur mill jirbħu l-Lightweight Boxing Kampjonat Dinji. Sam Langford is often considered

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