Allen bojuje o svetový titul


Tom Allen sa narodil v Birminghame, Anglicko, ale niektoré zo svojich najznámejších zápasov odohral v Amerike. V 1867, Allen sa presťahoval do St. Louis, najväčšie mesto západne od Mississippi. Allen nikdy neodišiel a použil by St. Louis ako svoju domovskú základňu na trénovanie na zápasy o ceny. Allen bojoval väčšinou v zápasoch na holých kolenách, ako by americký box nebol

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Blackburn and Langford Go Distance


Charles Henry “Jack” Blackburn achieved his greatest fame as the trainer of World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis from 1934 na 1942. Louis is widely considered to be one of the top three to five heavyweights in professional boxing history and some consider him the best heavyweight fighter. “Jack” Blackburn developed the talents of the young champion and helped him

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Sam Langford KOs BattlinJim Johnson


On Tuesday, December 12, 1916, Sam Langford defended the “Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship”, which he won from Sam McVea in February 1916. Medzi 1904 a 1919, the best African-American boxers, or black Canadians like Langford, were stuck fighting each other forColoredChampionship. If a white fighter did fight them, it was only to develop their own reputation to

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Kilrain Battles Godfrey in Brutal Fight


V piatok, Marec 13, 1891, Jake Kilrain fought George Godfrey at the California Athletic Club in San Francisco, Kalifornia. The men fought for a trophy and $5,000. The men entered the ring at 9:52 p.m.. William Muldoon, former World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, seconded Kilrain, who Muldoon trained for this fight. Muldoon trained Kilrain’s opponent, John L. Sullivan, for their 1889

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Jake Kilrain Knocked Out in 21 Rounds


Jake Kilrain is best known as the last and toughest challenger to John L. Sullivan in the last bare knuckle world championship fight. Despite Kilrain’s inability to beat John L. Sullivan, he had a successful career both before and after the bout with the mighty Sullivan. Fighting for 10 more years in gloved bouts, Kilrain was mostly successful but on

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Dempsey KOs Carpentier


On July 2, 1921 in Jersey City, New Jersey, reigning World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Jack Dempsey met light heavyweight boxing king Georges Carpentier. Boxing fans flocked to event resulting in the first million dollar gate in boxing history. The match would prove the old boxing adage, “A good big man always beats a good little man.” Even though Georges Carpentier

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Tom Allen strieľa Patrona

britský-prizefighter-tom-allen-v-neskorších-rokoch-cca 1897

Tom Allen sa narodil v Birminghame, England on April 23, 1840 ale v Amerike sa preslávil ako bojovník s holým kolenom v ťažkej váhe. Usadiť sa v St. Louis around 1867, Allen vyhral americký šampionát v ťažkej váhe v r 1873 a titul držal až do 1876. Na rok sa vrátil do Anglicka a potom sa vrátil do St. Louis navždy 1878. Späť

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Rudy Robert Takes First Title


Bob “Rudy RobertFitzsimmons was an English boxer, who won the undisputed middleweight, heavyweight and light heavyweight world championships, at the turn of the 20th Century. Often mistaken for an Australian because he started his boxing career there, Fitzsimmons traveled to the United States in 1890 to campaign for the middleweight championship. Fitzsimmons stood just under 6 feet tall but

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Jem Mace bojuje s Joeom Coburnom

Jem maces

Novembra 30, 1871, veľký zástup mužov nastúpil do desiatich železničných vagónov na New Orleans, Mobilná a Texaská železnica, keď sa zastavila na Canal Street v New Orleans, Louisiana. Vlak pokračoval na stanicu Montgomery neďaleko Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, kde dav opustil dážď a vydal sa do lesa. Taký zvláštny sprievod

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