샘 랭포드가 딕시 키드와 싸운다

SAM-랭 포드

제가 여러 포스팅에 썼듯이, 최고의 헤비급 복서들 1900 과 1919 아프리카계 미국인 권투선수들은 서로 싸우도록 강요받았습니다. “컬러 챔피언십”. 위대한 잭 존슨이 마침내 컬러 라인을 깨고 월드 헤비웨이트 챔피언십에서 우승한 후에도, 그는 백인 경쟁자에 대해서만 타이틀을 방어 할 것입니다. 결과, 가장 어려운 도전자

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“Terrible” Terry Shows His Power


“Terrible” Terry McGovern proved to be a rare fighter at the turn of the Twentieth Century. While smaller boxers packed no power in their punches, McGovern, who scaled between 110 과 126 파운드, possessed tremendous knockout power. “Terrible” Terry often finished his opponents in the first four rounds. 7 월 1, 1899, Brooklyn based McGovern met Chicago’s Johnny Richie at

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Burns Beats Hart for Heavyweight Title

토미 - 화상 - 스파링

On February 23, 1906, World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Marvin Hart defended his title in Los Angeles. When James J. Jeffries retired as heavyweight champion, Hart and Jack Sharkey fought for the vacant title. Hart was the surprise winner of the fight. Hart refused to fight Jack Johnson, 인식 된 최고의 헤비급,,en,대신 그는 토미 번즈 싸웠다,,en,5,,en,숙련 된 권투 선수,,en,이야기의 범용 필름 버전과 박사 등 홈즈와 나이젤 브루스으로 바질 래스 본 주연의 네 번째 영화의 두 번째입니다,,en,Moriart이 영화는 세계 대전의 초기 년 동안 설정,,en,홈즈는 다시 스위스의 아웃 과학자를 몰래 때,,en. Instead he fought Tommy Burns, a 5’07” skilled boxer.

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Boxing’s Effect on Legitimate Wrestling


In the 1910s, American professional wrestling permanently moved from legitimate wrestling contests to prearranged exhibitions. Fan interest, promoter control and less wear and tear on the wrestlers all played a role in this transition. Another less talked about pressure was outside of the sport itself. Prior to the 20th Century, professional boxing was illegal in the United States. Bare knuckle

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Johnson Outpoints McVey

잭 존슨

On Thursday, 2월 26, 1903, Jack Johnson defended his World Colored Heavyweight Boxing Championship against the undefeated Sam McVey. McVey brought a 6-0 record with six knockouts into the championship match. Since boxing promoters refused to let Black fighters compete for the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship, the best boxers around the turn of the Century fought for the World Colored

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McVey KOs Ferguson


8 월 11, 1915, current World Colored Heavyweight Boxing Champion Sam McVey fought Sandy Ferguson in Boston, Massachusetts at the Atlas Athletic Association gym. McVey fought in an era where promoters froze out all the African American boxers, except the great Jack Johnson, from fighting for the world championship. McVey defeated most of the other great Black fighters of this

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