Nat Pendleton Speaks Against Commission


In the fall of 1921, Jack Curley and Tex Rickard engaged in a promotional feud that started in professional boxing but spread to professional wrestling. Curley and Rickard settled their feud in a legitimate contest in November 1921. Curley selected John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek to act for him against Rickard’s wrestler Marin Plestina. Before Curley and Rickard could arrange

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McLaughlin Wrestles Dufur


Ar Déardaoin, Deireadh Fómhair 7, 1884, Colonel James Hiram McLaughlin wrestled Henry Moses Dufur for what both men claimed would be the last time. The 40-year-olds specialized in collar-and-elbow wrestling. The men wrestled in Detroit, Michigan, the home territory of McLaughlin. The match took place at the Detroit Opera House in front of a small crowd. Professional wrestling had not developed

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Beell i gceannas ar an bhFreasúra


If he had been bigger, Fred Beell would have been a dominant heavyweight in the first decade of the Twentieth Century. Instead, larger opponents often defeated Beell only because the opponent outweighed Beell by thirty to fifty pounds. On the rare occasions that Beell wrestled a middleweight, Beell crushed his opponent. Ar Eanáir 13, 1905, Beell wrestled H.P. Hansen in

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Pesek Wrestles Plestina Arís


During November 1921, John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek wrestled a legitimate contest with Marin Plestina to settle a promotional war between Jack Curley and boxing promoter Tex Rickard. Pesek fouled an injured Plestina, who was helpless to defend himself. After the match, Rickard returned to boxing while the New York State Athletic Commission banned Pesek from wrestling in New York.

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Mahmout Beats Jenkins i Straight Falls

mahmout-leabharlann-na comhdháil

Ar Thanksgiving i Meiriceá, Thursday, Samhain 26, 1908, Chuaigh Yussouff Mahmout i ngleic le Tom Jenkins, iar-Chluiche Trom-Meáchan na gComórtas, ag Madison Square Garden i gCathair Nua-Eabhrac. Mahmout go dtí na Stáit Aontaithe le déanaí chun wrest Frank Gotch do Chraobhchomórtais Wrestling World Tromweight. Má bhuail Mahmout Jenkins, Bheadh ​​Mahmout ina iomaitheoir bona fide do Gotch. Ba é Jenkins an

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Cosnaíonn McLaughlin Teideal?


Ar Dé Máirt, Eanáir 29, 1884, tháinig thart ar dhá mhíle lucht leanúna isteach i dTeach Opera Detroit chun féachaint ar an gcéad cheann de shraith dhá chluiche idir an Coirnéal James H. McLaughlin agus Henry Moses Dufur. Bhí ar an slua taitneamh a bhaint as na heagraithe agus na wrestlers. Ba annamh a bhí meaitseanna ag tarraingt na mílte sluaite i rith an 19ú hAois. Mhaígh na heagraithe go raibh McLaughlin ag cosaint na Meiriceánach

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Fréamhacha Missouri Jack Claybourne


Jack Claybourne, ar cheann de na hAfraice-Mheiriceánach is luaithe, wrestlers gairmiúla, Rugadh Elmer Claybourn i Meicsiceo, Missouri, on March 8, 1910. In 1910, Bhí Meicsiceo ina bhaile do thart 5,939 residents. Chuir Claybourne tús lena shlí bheatha ghairmiúil wrestling i Missouri i 1931. Ar dtús, Rinne Claybourne wrestled i Moberly in aice láimhe, Missouri. Bhí daonra de Moberly 13,722 cónaitheoirí i gcomparáid le 8,290 cónaitheoirí i Meicsiceo, Missouri

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Sula raibh Ed “StranglerLewis


Measann staraithe wrestling ceachtar Ed “Strangler” Lewis nó Frank Gotch mar an wrestler gairmiúil Meiriceánach is mó. Cé go bhfuil a fhios againn go leor faoi ghairm bheatha luath Frank Gotch, níl mórán eolais againn faoi shaol luath Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Maíonn foinsí éagsúla d’fhoghlaim Lewis dul i mbun wrestling catch-as-catch-can sna carnabhail nuair nach raibh sé ach ceithre bliana déag d’aois. Lewis

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Burns Wrestles Wasem


Seachas a bheith ar an ionad is fearr le dornálaithe gairmiúla agus wrestlers a thraenáil agus iad i St. Louis, Naomh. D’óstáil Giomnáisiam Louis Business Men’s imeachtaí dornálaíochta agus wrestála níos lú. In 1898, rinne iar-Chluiche Mheiriceá Trom-mheáchain Wrestling Martin “Farmer” Burns wrest Oscar Wasem os comhair slua beag ag Business Men’s Gymnasium. Bhí Burns ag aistriú go wrestlers traenála go lánaimseartha agus

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