Russian Lion Defeats Terrible Turk

костюм Джорджа Хакеншмидта

В субботу, Январь 30, 1904, George Hackenschmidt defended his Greco-Roman World Wrestling Championship against Ahmed Medrali. “Русский Лев” would have to defeat “The Terrible Turk” to retain his championship. Promoters selected the giant Medrali, who was 6’02” и 224 фунты, to defeat the seemingly invincible Hackenschmidt. George Hackenschmidt stood only 5’09” tall and weighed 209 фунты. Despite his smaller

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Did Muldoon Duck McMahon?


Марта 22, 1881, Greco-Roman World Wrestling Champion William Muldoon met Collar-and-Elbow World Champion John McMahon at the Terrace Garden in New York City. Muldoon and McMahon met in a best-two-out-of-three-falls match. The first fall was conducted by Greco-Roman rules. The second fall would be contested using collar-and-elbow rules. Последняя осень будет решена через то, что The New York

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Джо Стечер бросает Дэна Колова

пояс чемпиона Джо Стчера

On Thursday, Ноябрь 22, 1923, Улица. Промоутер Louis Джон Контос устроил скандальную открытку, увенчанную матчем Джо Стечера и Дэна Колова., подающий надежды болгарский борец. Карту накрыл Джон Э.. Wray, спортивный редактор журнала St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Карточка вызвала споры, потому что рекламировались две крупнейшие звезды рестлинга, но не

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Псевдоним Champ (1949)


Трансляция компании искали содержанием в первые дни телевидения. Кроме того, старых фильмов и некоторых производств вещания компании, спорт был источником программирования для многих телевизионных станций. The Dumont Television Network was one of the powerhouse networks in the beginning of the Golden Age of Television. One of their most popular programs was wrestling and the star

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Легенда о Юсуфе Исмаиле


Юсуф Исмаил боролся в США всего шесть месяцев в первой половине года. 1898. В своем первом значимом матче, он был дисквалифицирован за грубое нарушение. В своем единственном другом значимом матче, он дал Эвану “<Промежуток bbox_x = "949" bbox_y = "1799" bbox_w = "52" bbox_h = "19" FSIZE = "13" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = "” Льюис – избиение всей его жизни. И все же его короткое турне по Соединенным Штатам сделало его легендой.. Исмаил вошел в

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Gotch Meets Match in Zbyszko


On a Thursday night, Ноябрь 25, 1909, World Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met Polish Wrestling Champion Stanislaus Zbyszko for a handicap match in Buffalo, New York. Gotch agreed to forfeit the bout if he could not throw Zbyszko twice in an hour. Zbyszko’s size and strength created problems for Gotch, who weighed 190 pounds to Zbyszko’s 260 фунты. <Промежуток bbox_x = "543" bbox_y = "1494" bbox_w = "56" bbox_h = "20" FSIZE = "14" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = ", Zbyszko

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Masked Marvel Throws Berner

Aberg-замаскированное чудо-рисунок

Wrestling promoter Samuel Rachman created the International Wrestling Tournament in Spring 1915 to highlight the abilities of Aleksander “Алекс” Аберг. Aberg was the Russian Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion. Rachman believed Aberg could beat any wrestler. Rachman also wanted to lure Frank Gotch, the last undisputed World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, out of retirement to wrestle with Aberg. Gotch wrestled George Lurich in

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Stecher Beats Westergaard in Lincoln


In a blog post last month, I wrote about the difficulty promoters had in staging the Joe Stecher vs Jess Westergaard match. Originally scheduled for Omaha, Nebraska, the Omaha Chief of Police and Police Commissioner were concerned about the match being prearranged or a “работа”. They didn’t want gamblers being taken in by the exhibition. To prevent this occurrence, they

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Muldoon Fails to Throw Sorakichi 5 Times


Dominant champions like William Muldoon often had to accept handicap conditions to get fans interested in watching them wrestle. Поскольку фанаты считали Кларенса Уистлера достаточно опытным, чтобы реально угрожать его правлению., Muldoon would often generate interest by either performing feats of strength or taking on the challenge of handicap conditions. Мая 5, 1885, Muldoon met Matsuda Sorokichi, кто

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Фрэнк Готч платит его сборы


Фрэнк Готч, the farm boy from Humboldt, Айова, would defeat George Hackenschmidt for the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in 1908. This victory and his subsequent defeat of “Hack” in the 1911 rematch cemented Gotch’s place as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. Gotch was a very talented wrestler but he was not the undefeated wunderkind of legend. Gotch

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