Zbyszko Defeats Westergard


On January 10, 1912, Stanislaus Zbyszko continued his campaign for another title shot with World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. To press his claim, he secured a match with Gotch training partner and protegé, Jake Westergard. Westergard claimed a questionable win over his mentor Gotch, who probably dropped the match to Westergard in a prearranged match. Zbyszko was a skilled

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Police Chief Prevents Wrestling Match


Omaha Chief of Police H.W. Dunn created headlines on March 28, 1915, when he issued an order banning the advertised professional wrestling match between Joe Stecher and Jess Westergaard. The April 6, 1915 match was scheduled for the Omaha Auditorium. The chief actually issued the order at the behest of Superintendent of Police A.C. Kugel. Kugel issued a statement to

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Stecher and Zbyszko Complete Deal


На дан 13, 1920, И “Давитељ” Lewis defeated Joe Stecher for his World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Professional wrestling was a staged exhibition by 1920. <Спан ббок_к = "289" ббок_и = "553" ббок_в = "56" ббок_х = "20" фсизе = "14" фвеигхт = "3" црвено = "255" зелено = "255" плави = "255" алфа = ", such was the strong feelings between the men that the match may have been a “shoot” or legitimate match in which Lewis took the belt. Whether the outcome of the match was real, the feud

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Еван “Давитељ” Левис Сховс Меан Стреак


Еван “Давитељ” Луис, also called Evan Lewis “the Strangler”, was a professional wrestler from 1882 до 1899. Lewis was the first American Heavyweight Catch-as-Catch Can Wrestling Champion. He was also the first wrestler to perfect the “stranglehold” или “hang hold”, коју савремени ММА фанови познају као гушење на гиљотини. Lewis made his professional debut by winning a 64 мушки турнир

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Пољопривредник Бернс Беатс Мицхиган шампиона


Мартин “Фармер” Burns is famous today as the trainer of legendary wrestler Frank Gotch. “Фармер” Бернс је био велики рвач у свом праву. Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion in the legitimate pro wrestling era despite being only 165 фунти. У 1891, Бернс као Иова Хеавивеигхт Цхампион преузео ЈЦ. Камсток, Мичиген шампион у тешкој категорији. Ј.Ц. Comstock was

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Промена укуса


In November 1923, Свети. Репортер Лоуис Стар-Тимеса Били Марфи интервјуисао је Ст. Промотор рвања Луис Џон Контос. Марфи је предложио Контосу да је ера доминантних рвача попут Вилијама Малдуна завршена. Марфи је говорио о недавном мечу између “Светски шампион” Харднек Филипс и кандидат за игру Вебстер О'Мели. Филипс је успешно одбранио своје првенство бацивши О'Малија после 1 hour, 50

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Павле Понс, Кафу рвања Старс


Павле Понс је грчко-римским стилом шампион Француске у 1890. Он је освојио турнир у Фолиес-Бергерес пре победе на турниру у Русији у 1898. Ове победе су му омогућиле да освоји светско првенство у грчко-римском рвању. Понс капитализује на овом озлоглашености отварањем теретану да тренира рвача и јаких мушкараца. Pons’ победа је била посебно изузетна због

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Lewis Frustrates Stecher and Mayor


И “Давитељ” Lewis and Joe Stecher conducted one of the greatest rivalries of the early arranged professional wrestling exhibition era. Lewis and Stecher wrestled many times including a five and a half hour draw in 1916. Several of their early matches appeared to be legitimate. Legend also has it that Lewis actually had to beat Stecher in a “shoot match”

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Gotch Fouls His Way to Title


Априла 3, 1908, American Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met World Wrestling Champion George Hackenschmidt for the World Title at Dexter Park Pavilion in Chicago, Illinois. Hackenschmidt was undefeated as a professional but had been World Champion for approximately 7 године. Гоч је био годину дана старији, али је сматрао да је спреман. Навијачи и новинари који прате овај спорт сматрали су Гоча

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Др. Roller and Zbyszko Battle to Draw


У уторак, Март 22, 1910, Др. Benjamin Roller met Stanislaus Zbyszko in a legitimate wrestling match. Professional wrestling would transition from legitimate contest to staged exhibition between 1910 и 1920. Др. Benjamin Roller graduated from the University of Pennsylvania by playing professional football. Roller accepted an academic appointment in physiology where he assisted in the writing of a textbook. Др.

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