Muldoon Fails to Throw Sorakichi 5 Times


Dominant champions like William Muldoon often had to accept handicap conditions to get fans interested in watching them wrestle. Xa que os fans só consideraban que Clarence Whistler era o suficientemente hábil como para ameazar realmente o seu reinado, Muldoon would often generate interest by either performing feats of strength or taking on the challenge of handicap conditions. En maio 5, 1885, Muldoon met Matsuda Sorokichi, que

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Frank Gotch paga as súas débedas


Frank Gotch, o neno de Facenda de Humboldt, Iowa, derrotaría George Hackenschmidt ao Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight en 1908. Esta vitoria e súa derrota posterior de “Cabeza” no 1911 desquite cimentou o lugar de Gotch como un dos maiores loitadores de todos os tempos. Gotch was a very talented wrestler but he was not the undefeated wunderkind of legend. Gotch

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Zbyszko Defeats Westergard


En xaneiro de 10, 1912, Stanislaus Zbyszko continued his campaign for another title shot with World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. To press his claim, he secured a match with Gotch training partner and protegé, Jake Westergard. Westergard claimed a questionable win over his mentor Gotch, who probably dropped the match to Westergard in a prearranged match. Zbyszko era un hábil

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O xefe da policía impide o xogo de loita libre


O xefe de policía de Omaha H.W. Dunn creou titulares en marzo 28, 1915, cando emitiu unha orde prohibindo o anunciado combate de loita libre profesional entre Joe Stecher e Jess Westergaard. The April 6, 1915 partido estaba programado para o Auditorio de Omaha. O xefe ditou efectivamente a orde a instancias do superintendente de Policía A.C. Kugel. Kugel emitiu unha declaración a

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Oferta completa de Stecher e Zbyszko


En decembro de 13, 1920, E “Estrangulador” Lewis derrotou a Joe Stecher polo seu World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Professional wrestling was a staged exhibition by 1920. Porén, such was the strong feelings between the men that the match may have been a “shoot” or legitimate match in which Lewis took the belt. Whether the outcome of the match was real, the feud

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Evan “Estrangulador” Lewis Mostra raia media


Evan “Estrangulador” Lewis, tamén chamado Evan Lewis “o Estrangulador”, foi un loitador profesional de 1882 para 1899. Lewis foi o primeiro americano campión Heavyweight Catch-as-catch pode Wrestling. He was also the first wrestler to perfect the “stranglehold” ou “hang hold”, que os fans modernos de MMA coñecen como un estrangulador de guillotina. Lewis fixo súa estrea profesional, gañando un 64 torneo masculino

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Agricultores Queimaduras bate Michigan campión


Martin “Agricultores” Burns is famous today as the trainer of legendary wrestler Frank Gotch. “Agricultores” Queimaduras foi un gran loitador no seu propio dereito. Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion in the legitimate pro wrestling era despite being only 165 libras. En 1891, Queimaduras como o Heavyweight Champion Iowa asumiu JC. Comstock, o Heavyweight Champion Michigan. J.C. Comstock was

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Cambio de gustos


In November 1923, St. O xornalista do Louis Star-Times, Billy Murphy, entrevistou a St. O promotor de loita libre Louis John Contos. Murphy propuxo a Contos que a era dos loitadores dominantes como William Muldoon rematara. Murphy falou do recente partido entre “Campión do Mundo” Hardneck Phillips e o competidor Webster O'Malley. Phillips defendeu con éxito o seu campionato lanzando a O'Malley despois 1 hour, 50

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Paulo Pons, Creador de estrelas Wrestling

campionato de paul-pons

Paul Pons foi o campión de wrestling greco-romano de Francia na década de 1890. El venceu un torneo no Folies Bergere, antes de gañar un torneo en Rusia 1898. Estas vitorias permitiulle acadar o Campionato Mundial de Loita Grecorromana. Pons capitalizou esta notoriedade a través da apertura dunha academia para loitadores de tren e homes fortes. Pons’ a vitoria foi especialmente notable por mor de

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Lewis Frustrates Stecher and Mayor


E “Estrangulador” Lewis and Joe Stecher conducted one of the greatest rivalries of the early arranged professional wrestling exhibition era. Lewis and Stecher wrestled many times including a five and a half hour draw in 1916. Several of their early matches appeared to be legitimate. Legend also has it that Lewis actually had to beat Stecher in a “shoot match”

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