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에반 - 루이스 - 페이퍼 백

This post was formally a podcast broadcast in 2015. 이 에피소드에서, I discuss what Evan “교 살자” 무거운 돌덩이 따위를 끌어 올리고 내리는 쇠 집게’ hold would be called today. 주요 내용 – When I first heard of the stranglehold or “hang hold” of Evan “The Strangler” Lewis, it sounded like a guillotine choke. 그러나, several sources I checked described it as a rear naked choke. 무거운 돌덩이 따위를 끌어 올리고 내리는 쇠 집게

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윌리엄 Muldoon는 챔피언이 될 준비


에 1880, 윌리엄 Muldoon는 티에 보 바우어를 물리 치고 그리스 - 로마 스타일의 세계 헤비급 레슬링 챔피언이 될 것입니다, 일등 챔피언. 그는이 공적을 달성 할 것입니다 전에, Muldoon 자신의 회비를 지불하고 바우어 제목 기울기를 준비했다. 에 1876, Muldoon caught the attention of former bare knuckle prizefighting world champion John Morrissey. Morrissey was a former

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Zbyszko Double Crosses Trio

루이스 zbyszko - 핸드 셰이크

Rarely does one fundamentally alter their profession but Stanislaus Zbyszko did just that on April 15, 1925 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Zbyszko defeated Wayne Munn in one of the last shoot (not staged) professional wrestling matches in the United States. It was a shoot or legitimate match because Zbyszko double crossed the “Goldust Trio” wrestling promotion and beat Munn for the

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알렉스 Aberg 다이 어떻게했는지?

알렉산더 - aberg 제목

I decided to start 2020 by using two examples from professional wrestling to discuss why you would change a historical account you wrote in the past. In writing history, you are limited by the available sources on the subject matter. Primary sources like diaries, official records and autobiographies are very valuable. Other sources like newspapers are good as well but

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루이스는 술 취한 레슬링 패배 했?

에반 - 살자 - 루이스

에반 “<스팬 bbox_x = "949"bbox_y = "1780"bbox_w = "52"bbox_h = "19"fsize = "13"fweight = "3"빨간색 = "255"녹색 = "255"블루 = "255"알파 = "” 루이스는 무서운 경쟁자이었다. 그는 5에서 큰 사람이 아니었지만’09” 및 무게 170 파운드, 무거운 돌덩이 따위를 끌어 올리고 내리는 쇠 집게’ 제출의 지배는 그에게 자신의 시대의 동일하거나 더 나은 대부분의 선수를 만들어. 잭 Carkeek는 훌륭한 레슬링 선수 였지만 루이스와 한 경기는 거의 그를 은퇴를 발생. 무거운 돌덩이 따위를 끌어 올리고 내리는 쇠 집게’ reputation was strongly related to his feared

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Lewis Takes Title Back from Munn


On the same day Joe Stecher wrestled Stanislaus Zbyszko for the recognized version of the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in St. 루이, <스팬 bbox_x = "925"bbox_y = "1780"bbox_w = "16"bbox_h = "19"fsize = "13"fweight = "3"빨간색 = "255"녹색 = "255"블루 = "255"알파 = " “<스팬 bbox_x = "949"bbox_y = "1780"bbox_w = "52"bbox_h = "19"fsize = "13"fweight = "3"빨간색 = "255"녹색 = "255"블루 = "255"알파 = "” Lewis challenged “큰” Wayne Munn for his disputed Michigan-Illinois World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Lewis dropped the title to Munn in February 1925. In April 1925, Zbyszko defeated Munn in a famous double-cross. The match between Lewis and

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Hack and Zbyszko Battle to Draw


At the beginning of 1911, the wrestling public considered three men to be the greatest challenge to reigning World Champion Frank Gotch. Former champion George Hackenschmidt, Stanislaus Zbyszko and “끔찍한 투르크” Yussif Mahmout wanted the chance to beat Gotch. Gotch, who was nobody’s fool, decided to take some of the starch out of his challengers by matching them up

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Masked Marvel To The Rescue

루이와 트루 크라임

Samuel Rachmann promoted the International Wrestling Tournament in New York during 1915. Rachmann invited wrestlers from around the world to the tournament but his real intention was to establish European Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion Alex Aberg as the successor to the retired Frank Gotch as World Champion. Rachmann’s plan for establishing Aberg was going as planned after the tournament kicked off

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Wladek Zbyszko Beats Strangler for Title


월에 22, 1919, <스팬 bbox_x = "925"bbox_y = "1780"bbox_w = "16"bbox_h = "19"fsize = "13"fweight = "3"빨간색 = "255"녹색 = "255"블루 = "255"알파 = " “<스팬 bbox_x = "949"bbox_y = "1780"bbox_w = "52"bbox_h = "19"fsize = "13"fweight = "3"빨간색 = "255"녹색 = "255"블루 = "255"알파 = "” Lewis met Wladek Zbyszko for the vacant World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. In a surprise victory, Zbyszko defeated Lewis to claim the title. Unfortunately for Wladek Zbyszko, he would only have a cup of coffee with the belt. A month or two later, Zbyszko lost the title to Joe Stetcher. This match was most likely

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Burns Denies Association with Stecher

마틴 파머 화상

초기에 1916, 흰 털발 제비 “농장주” 화상, who trained and managed Frank Gotch to the World Heavyweight Championship, began denying that he developed current American Heavyweight Champion Joe Stecher. The claim seemed odd because Burns had been working with Stecher for several years. Burns helped prepare Stecher for his championship bout with Charlie Cutler in 1915. In a way, what Burns

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