Zbyszko Knocks Out Greek Wrestler


On June 2, 1915, the International Wrestling Tournament in New York City entered its second week of competition. Some of the tournaments big names were wrestling on this night. Alex Aberg, George Lurich and Wladek Zbyszko would all compete. It was Zbyszko who made the biggest impression. The first match involved two lesser talents, Pierre Le Colosse and Wilhelm Berner.

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Shikat Pārsteigumi O'Mahony un Atbalstītāji


Es rakstu šo ziņu, lai labotu iepriekšējo post es rakstīja par dubulto krustu profesionālās cīņas. Es sākotnēji domāju dubultā krusti beidzās pēc Stanislaus Zybszko divreiz šķērsoja Gold Dust Trio. Zbyszko, pēc vienošanās zaudēt Munn, sakāva viņu ko pārvērtās likumīgu konkursā Pasaules Heavyweight Cīņas čempionāts. Un “Strangler” Vilka ķetna, kurš samazinājās

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Zbyszko Beats Aberg for Title


On February 26. 1914, Stanislaus Zbyszko beat Alex Aberg for the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in Boston, Massachusetts. Zbyszko came to the United States in 1909 to campaign for Frank Gotch’s World Catch-as-Catch Can Championship. Wrestling insiders considered Gotch’s title the World Championship. Zbyszko could not beat Gotch in 1910. Before they had a rematch, Frank Gotch retired in

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Čurkste “Lauksaimnieks” Burns


Čurkste “Lauksaimnieks” Burns bija profesionāli catch-as-nozvejas var cīkstonis, kā arī cīņas un fiziskās kultūras treneris. Neskatoties uz lieliem panākumiem kā profesionāls cīkstonis, pat uzvarot amerikāņu smagsvarā čempionātā, he is more famous as a wrestling trainer. Čurkste “Lauksaimnieks” Burns dzimis februāris 15, 1861 Cedar County, Iowa. Gan toreiz un tagad, cīkstēšanās ir Iowan asinīs.

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Wladek Zbyszko Zaudē Negaidīti,,en,A Night of apdari,,en


Wladek Zbyszko’s legacy is often overshadowed by his brother Stanislaus Zbyszko. Stanislaus, kurš bija 12 years older, posed the last real threat to Frank Gotch’s World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Wladek Zbyszko was a skilled wrestler in his own right. Diemžēl, he didn’t arrive in the United States until 1914, when most wrestling matches were prearranged. Wladek had proved his bona

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Otrā Gotch-Hack Match

gotch vs-hackenschmidt

Es uzrakstīju šo ziņu, jo saruna man bija atzīmēts Twitter apmēram tāds 1911 mačs starp Frank Gotch un Georg Hackenschmidt par Pasaules Heavyweight Cīņas čempionāts. Jim Cornette, kurš turklāt ir viens no labākajiem vadītājiem profesionālās cīņas ir arī atzīmēja pro cīkstēšanās vēsturnieks, runāja par dubulto krustu otrajā Gotch-Hack spēles

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Muldoon Atbilst Bibby


Kaujas sportā, labs liels vīrs parasti pārspēj labu mazajam cilvēciņam. Ja jums ir liels, Jūs bieži vien var veido par milzīgu izmēru neatbilstības. Edwin Bibby stāvēja tikai 5’04” un nosver 160 mārciņas bet sakāva daudz lielākos cīkstoņi savu profesionālo cīkstēšanās karjeru laikā. Bibby sakāva daudz cīkstoņi ieskaitot gigantisku Vācijas cīkstonis William Heygster. Edwin Bibby varēja

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Aberg Beats Other Zbyszko for Title


Oktobrī 25, 1915, Aleksander “Alex” Aberg won the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Wladek Zbyszko, the brother of Aberg’s former foe. Uz 1914, Stanislaus Zbyszko defeated Aberg for the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Stanislaus Zbyszko returned to Europe. It is doubtful Wladek Zbyszko could make a claim to his brother’s championship. Promoter Sam Rachmann probably created this

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Ad Santel Brings The Pain


Ad Santel gained his reputation as a dangerous catch wrestler from his frequent bouts with judoka from Japan during the 1910s and a story from the second George Hackenschmidt training camp for the Frank Gotch rematch. According to legend, Frank Gotch paid Santel, a skilled submission wrestler, $5,000.00 to injure Hackenschmidt’s knee in training. Kamēr šis stāsts var vai var

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Hack Accuses Americans of Faking

Džordžs Hakenšmits-Prime

When “Krievu Lion” George Hackenschmidt toured America in 1905, he left the country unimpressed by the state of American wrestling. The current World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, pazīstams kā “Kapāt” to much of the wrestling public, toured several cities in an attempt to arrange a match with American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins. Hackenschmidt won the world title in Greco-Roman

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