Sorakichi Matsuda Dies in New York


Sorakichi Matsuda travelled to the United States in late 1883 to begin his professional wrestling career. Matsuda intended to learn American professional wrestling and return to his homeland to start his own wrestling promotion. Matsuda’s manager made claims about his training in Japan, which could not be verified. Matsuda trained in sumo wrestling with the famous Isegahama stable but did

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Browning Shoots with Miyake?


Pada hari Selasa, Jun 3, 1924, up-and-coming wrestler Jim Browning challenged Taro Miyake in a mixed styles match in Nashville, Tennessee. Browning, a wrestler from Verona, Missouri recently left the Missouri-Kansas area to wrestle in Tennessee and Kentucky. The 21-year-old Browning was developing a reputation for solid wrestling. Browning impressed promoters so much in the 1920s that the promoters put the

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London lwn. Shikat in 1930


Over the past twenty years, preservationists have found several wrestling films from the 1920s through the 1950s that were assumed lost. Fans can watch most of the newly discovered films on YouTube. One of the surviving films is eighteen minutes of an hour, twenty minutes match from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1930. Jim Londos wrestled Dick Shikat (video link) for a

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McLaughlin Mixes It Up with Ross


Pada hari Khamis, April 10, 1884, America’s first full-time professional wrestler, J.H. McLaughlin wrestled all-around Scottish athlete and wrestler Duncan C. Ross at Detroit’s Opera House. The men wrestled a three-out-of-five falls mixed styles match. McLaughlin specialized in collar-and-elbow wrestling. The men wrestled two falls under collar-and-elbow rules. Ross favored side hold rules. The men wrestled two falls by securing side

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Great Gama Wrestles Stanislaus Zbyszko


Pada hari Sabtu, September 10, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko, fresh off his first tour of the United States, wrestled the Great Gama at Shepherd’s Bush Stadium in London, England. 7,000 spectators crowded into the stadium to watch the match. A few weeks earlier, Encik. Benjamin brought a group of Pehlwani wrestlers from India to wrestle in England. Fans consider the Great Gama

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Dufur Draws dengan Cox


Henry Moses Dufur pakar dalam gusti kolar-dan-siku apabila Dufur bergusti secara profesional pada tahun 1870-an dan 1880-an. Dilahirkan pada bulan Mei 5, 1844, in Richmond, Vermont, Dufur bergelut terutamanya di timur laut Amerika Syarikat. On June 27, 1878, Dufur bergusti perlawanan timbal balik dengan ahli gusti bernama Cox di Taman Besbol Boston di hadapan lima ratus peminat. Lima ratus peminat

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Lewis dan Zbyszko Berdebat Mengenai Pengadil


World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion EdStranglerLewis was scheduled to meet former champion Stanislaus Zbyszko at the St. Louis Coliseum pada hari Khamis, Disember 14, 1922 tetapi perlawanan hampir ditangguhkan kerana perselisihan mengenai pemilihan pengadil. Itu hanya selepas syafaat St. Promotor Louis John Contos bahawa kedua-dua lelaki itu bersetuju untuk St. Louis

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Lewis Menembak Dengan Steele


Pada Isnin, Disember 6, 1932, 41-year-old Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled one of his last legitimate contests to settle a promotional dispute in New York. After initially being allies in promotion, Jim Londos broke away from Jack Curley’s group in New York. To restore peace, the parties decided on a legitimate contest or “shoot” to settle the dispute. Joseph “Toots” Mondt

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