Два стрелка работают за матч


Во вторник, Декабрь 12, 1916, local favorite, Джон “The Nebraska TigermanPesek wrestled fellow shooter, Al “DutchMantell, in a worked match. Pesek recently trained with fellow Nebraska wrestler and recognized World Champion Joe Stecher prior to this match. Pesek developed a notorious reputation for shooting with other wrestlers. <Промежуток bbox_x = "543" bbox_y = "1494" bbox_w = "56" bbox_h = "20" FSIZE = "14" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = ", Pesek was a 22-year-old up-and-comer still learning to wrestle, when

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Бибби слишком много для Мацуды


In the early 1880s, Sorakichi Matsuda, or Matsada in most American newspapers, traveled to the United States to wrestle professionally. Japan did not have a developed professional wrestling circuit, so Matsuda thought he would bring the sport back to Japan after an apprenticeship in the United States. After training for a while, Matsuda signed an agreement to wrestle the first

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Оскар Васем победил Джо Кэрролла


Oscar Wasem started his career in St. Луис, Missouri under the tutelage of George Baptiste. Wasem was a good enough wrestler that Wasem defeated a young Frank Gotch in 1901. Wasem, the St. Louis Champion, pinned Gotch, the Iowa Champion. While Gotch went on to be America’s greatest legitimate professional wrestler, Wasem remained a solid journeyman. Wasem supplemented his professional

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Лондон борется с Коулманом и Шикиной


I recently discovered a three minute clip on YouTube, which included two of Jim Londosmatches from the 1930s. In the first match, Londos wrestles Abe Coleman. In the second match, Londos wrestles a mixed styles match with Oki Shikina, who was trained by Taro Miyake, the Judo black belt and professional wrestler. Londos was the biggest box office star

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Актон борется с Фитцсиммонсом


В пятницу, Ноябрь 27, 1891, former American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Joe Acton wrestled future World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Bob Fitzsimmons in San Francisco, Калифорния. The men wrestled for a reported $1,000.00 кошелек. Acton usually gave up size to his opponent but Acton outweighed the 148-pound Fitzsimmons by seven pounds. The men wrestled a two-out-of-three falls match according to catch-as-catch-can wrestling

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Браунинг побеждает Дженкинса

Джим Браунинг, Верона, Миссури, борец и чемпион мира

Декабря 17, 1923, Jim Browning wrestled a rare match in his hometown of Verona, Миссури. Four hundred fans from the surrounding area crowded into the venue to watch the match between Browning and Clarence Jenkins, a wrestler from Emporia, Kansas. Both Browning and Jenkins wrestled most of their matches in Kansas during 1923. Browning was starting a career that

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Лондон против. Нагурски в 1938

Художник-рендеринг Джима Лондоса

Ноября 18, 1938, former world wrestling champion Jim Londos wrestled current world champion Bronko Nagurski, the great former football player for the Chicago Bears. The men wrestled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for Nagurski’s version of the world wrestling championship. You can view the 14-minute match in its entirety on YouTube. When I viewed the match for the first time, several

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Исмаил борется с Дженкинсом


Мая 5, 1898, Юсуф Исмаил боролся с Томом Дженкинсом в Кливленде, Огайо. Исмаил гастролировал по Соединенным Штатам всего шесть месяцев в начале года. 1898. Исмаил провел менее десяти поединков, но оставил после себя путь разрушения, который помнит и по сей день.. Ismail made a powerful impression by easily defeating both Evan “Strangler” Lewis. Ismail also made a strong

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Песек борется с Джорданом 1916


John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek wrestled two of the most famous legitimate contests of the 1920s. Pesek ended two promotional wars by agreeing to “shoot” contests with Marin Plestina and Nat Pendelton. В 1916, Pesek was an up-and-coming wrestler active in his home state of Nebraska. On Thursday, Сентябрь 14, 1916, Pesek wrestled another Nebraska wrestler, Chris Jordan. Fans and

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Расти Вескотт, Легкая атлетика и актерское мастерство


Born Norman Edward Wescoatt in Hawaii on August 2, 1911, “Rusty” Wescoatt played football for the University of Hawaii before making his professional wrestling debut in Hawaii during 1933. Wescoatt was also a swimming champion. Wescoatt initially made more news for his swimming than his wrestling when he traveled to the continental United States in 1935. On Easter Sunday, Апрель

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