McLeod Wrestles George Baptiste


Dan McLeod defeated Martin “Farmer” Burns for the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship during October 1897. McLeod held the championship for four years until he met Frank Gotch’s toughest opponent, Tom Jenkins. Hasieran 1899, McLeod made a couple title defenses in Minnesota. On February 24, 1899, McLeod wrestled St. Louis Middleweight Wrestling Champion George Baptiste at Conover Hall in front

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Borroka sustatzea


Borroka profesionala atletismo-erakusketa bihurtu zen legezko lehiaketetatik bi arrazoirengatik. Lehen arrazoiari buruz asko idatzi dut. Trebetasun berdineko borrokalarien arteko lehia zilegiak luzeak ziren askotan, ekintza gutxiko kontu aspergarriak. Lehiaketa hauek zaleak itzali zituzten eta borroka profesionalak ikusle-kirol gisa lehertzea eragotzi zuten. Bigarren arrazoiaz ez dut hainbeste idatzi. The

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Acton Wrestles greko-erromatarra


Astelehenean, Martxoa 26, 1888, Joe Acton, harrapatzeko borrokan espezializatu zena, borrokatu zuen William Miller irakasleak, borrokalari australiar bat, eta mutur hutseko sarilaria, hirutik bi eroriko borroka greko-erromatar partidan. Bi gizonezkoen kanpamentuek uste zuten partida estilo honetan borrokatzeak beraien arteko lehiarik zuzenena bermatzen zuela. Gizonak borrokan aritu ziren $500.00 alde bat. 1,500 fans, jendetza handia garairako, buelta emanda

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Lewisek amerikar titulua irabazi du


1910eko hamarkadaren hasieran Kentuckyn borroka egin aurretik, Borroka zaleek Ed "Strangler" Lewis Bob Fredrichs bezala ezagutzen zuten. Nekoosan jaio zen Robert Friedrich, Wisconsin, Lewis-ek bere borroka profesionalean debutatu zuen 1905, oraindik bakarrik 14 urte. Kentuckyko sustatzaileek Bob Fredrichs arruntegia pentsatu zuten, beraz, Lewis-ek bere izen berria aukeratu zuen Wisconsineko bertako eta jatorrizko lagunari omenaldi gisa

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Night and the City (1950)


At nearly 70 urte, Stanislaus Zbyszko made his film debut in Night and the City (1950). Billed as Gregorious, a retired wrestler and the father of London’s wrestling promoter, Zbyszko displayed his wrestling skills, even at his advanced age, in the film’s signature scene. The movie begins with a man chasing Harry Fabian, a London hustler always looking

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Big Man Too Much Jenkinsentzat


Maiatzaren On 7, 1901, Tom Jenkinsek Nouralah Hassan erraldoiarekin borrokatu zuen New Yorken. Bulgarian jaio zen bitartean 1870, Hassan sei oin zegoen, zortzi zentimetroko altuera eta pisua zuen 331 libera. Jenkinsek borrokarako trebetasun handia zuen bitartean, zaleek eta kazetariek Hassanen tamaina izugarriak Jenkinsi arazoak ekartzea espero zuten. Sustatzaileek gizonezkoak Madison Square Garden-en borrokatzeko erreserbatu zituzten

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1883 Buffalo New York Txapelketa


Ostiralean, Ekaina 29, 1883, fourteen wrestlers paid $50 to enter a two-day tournament for a $500 championship belt and $500 prize. Richard K. Fox, owner and publisher of the Police Gazette, put up the prize money and belt. Fox avidly supported the promotion of both professional boxing and professional wrestling. While fourteen men attempted to enter the tournament, Fox

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Wladek Zbyszko vs. Helio Gracie


When Wladek Zbyszko travelled from the United States to Brazil for a lucrative tour on Brazil’s well-developed professional wrestling circuit, Zbyszko little suspected that he would wrestle his first contest in almost twenty years. Like their American counterparts, Brazilian professional wrestlers worked with each other to put on exciting exhibitions for the fans. The Brazilian professional wrestlers occasionally wrestled a

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Dan McLeod Wrestles “Baserritarrak” Erredurak


Urriaren On 26, 1897, Martin “Farmer” Burns defended his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship against Scottish catch wrestler Dan McLeod. Burns and McLeod were two of the top three or four catch-as-catch-can wrestlers in the United States at the time. 1,200 fans attended the match held at the Grand Opera House in Indianapolis, Indiana. Promoters often put a mat or heavy

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