The Original Trust Buster


During the early 1920s, Tex Rickard declared war on his former boxing promotional partner, Jack Curley. Curley promoted professional wrestling in New York City. He also organized promoters in large cities such as Boston and St. Louis into a wrestling trust. The trust controlled the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. The trust froze out any wrestler, who refused to go along

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Il contadino Burns scopre Frank Gotch


In 1897, Dan McLeod ha battuto Martin "Farmer" Burns per il campionato americano di wrestling dei pesi massimi. Dopo la sconfitta, Burns ha lottato part-time mentre è passato al suo ruolo principale di allenatore di wrestling. Over the next 30 anni, Burns ha allenato la maggior parte dei catch wrestler legittimi negli Stati Uniti. Burns iniziò il tour 1899, where he would both wrestle an opponent in

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Stanislaus Zbyszko Loses Match


This week’s post is a confession of sorts. Per anni, I have written that Frank Gotch was the only wrestler to defeat Stanislaus Zbyszko during his initial tour of America between 1909 e 1914. I recently read Wrestling in the Garden, Volume 1: 1875 a 1939; The Battle for New York – Works, Shootes and Double Crosses (link di affiliazione) da

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Il più antico film di wrestling esistente

Cintura da campionato di Joe Stecher

Joe Stecher che conquista il campionato mondiale di wrestling da Earl Caddock è il più antico film di wrestling professionistico esistente. Tragicamente, i promotori hanno filmato le partite più importanti degli anni '10 e '20, inclusa la seconda partita Frank Gotch-Georg Hackenshmidt, ma marcivano nelle aree di stoccaggio. Gli operatori della macchina da presa hanno filmato Ed "Strangler" Lewis contro. Wayne "Grande" Munn, Stecher vs. Stanislaus Zbyszko, e la partita di riunificazione

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Joe Stecher supera il test

Cintura da campionato di Joe Stecher

One of the legendary tales about Joe Stecher concerns a legitimate contest he had with one of Martin “Agricoltore” Burns wrestlers, when Stecher was barely out of high school. Burns heard about Stecher’s growing reputation and decided to test him with one of his wrestlers. Per anni, I thought Stecher defeated Yusif Mahmout but he actually wrestled Yussif Hussane. Il

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Bibby batte Ross


Edwin Bibby and Duncan C. Ross established the first recognized professional wrestling championship in the United States on January 19, 1881. The men wrestled catch-as-catch-can style for the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. William Muldoon was the World Heavyweight Champion based on his defeat of Thiebaud Bauer in 1880. Andre Christol brought the World Title to the United States in the

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Lewis e Stecher fanno un pareggio


In his book Hooker, Lou Thesz wrote about the rivalry between two of his favorite wrestlers, Joe Stecher and Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Stecher and Lewis would emerge as the two best legitimate professional wrestler of the 1910s. Either man could beat every other wrestler at the time in a legitimate contest or “shoot”. The men wrestled three long, boring contests

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Dusek Doppie Croci Mondt


Prima della creazione del sistema territoriale in 1948, i promotori del wrestling professionistico hanno combattuto tra loro per controllare il campionato del mondo. La promozione del campione del mondo ha portato a cancelli più grandi, quindi la maggior parte dei promotori voleva controllare il campionato. Negli anni '30, i promotori stipulavano accordi tra loro, ma spesso erano fugaci. Quando un promotore si è offeso, thought

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“Agricoltore” Burns Puts in a Full Night


In 1899, Balestruccio “Agricoltore” Burns was transitioning into the role of part-time wrestler and full-time trainer. One of his most famous pupils would be Frank Gotch, who Burns defeated a week after this match. Burns was 38 years-old and had lost his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship two years earlier. Burns blended both roles on a very busy December night in

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I dieci migliori lottatori professionisti legittimi


Chi è il più grande wrestler professionista legittimo a lottare negli Stati Uniti? How do you determine it when wrestlers “worked” or cooperated with each other in matches since the sports emergence in the 1860s? . I examined the records and stories around the American, British, Polish, and Turkish wrestlers, who wrestled in the United States between 1870 e 1915

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