“Agricultor” Preparaciones para quemaduras para Lewis


In 1894, Martín “Agricultor” Burns se estaba preparando para luchar contra Evan. “Strangler” Lewis por el Campeonato Americano de Lucha Libre de Peso Pesado. Mientras Burns estaba entrando en su mejor momento, Lewis había estado en la cima de la lucha libre profesional estadounidense durante 5 año. Lewis también luchó con un estilo viscoso con énfasis en las presiones de sumisión.. Burns tendría que estar preparado para una dura competencia, Cual podría

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Jim Browning protagoniza la ciudad natal


Verona, Missouri es una pequeña ciudad en el suroeste de Missouri. Nunca exceder 900 residentes en su historia, solamente 438 o eso la gente llamaba Verona a casa en 1926. Aún, una tarjeta de lucha libre profesional se llevó a cabo en la ciudad el lunes, Marzo 22, 1926. Sin el uso generalizado de automóviles o carreteras construidas para manejarlos, viajar sería muy difícil en 1926.

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Londos supera al campeón


El viernes, Febrero 17, 1922, El campeón mundial de lucha libre de peso pesado Stanislaus Zbyszko luchó en una lucha de handicap contra Francois Lemarque y la estrella emergente Jim Londos. A Londos todavía le faltaban unos años para convertirse en el mayor atractivo de taquilla de la lucha libre profesional, pero era el luchador más popular de St.. Louis. Mientras que Londos solo se mantuvo cerca de 5’06” o 5’07”, el poseia

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Gotch Avenges Loss


On Sunday, Diciembre 17, 1906, Kansas City, Missouri once more proved itself to be a hotbed for professional wrestling as 8,000 fans crammed Convention Hall to watch the rematch between Frank Gotch and Fred Beell. Beell won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Gotch three weeks earlier in New Orleans, Luisiana. Gotch claimed the loss to be a fluke, while

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Mooney Wrestles Luttbeg


El sábado, December 2nd, 1893, local Saint Louis boxing instructor and Greco-Roman wrestler Mike Mooney met Max Luttbeg at Saint LouisEntertainment Hall. Pre-match hype focused on Mooney never losing a wrestling match or a boxing bout. Mooney was considered a better Greco-Roman wrestler, while Luttbeg was a better catch-as-catch-can wrestler. In the 19th century, it was common for matches

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Joe Stecher Beats Ad Santel


Joe Stecher started out 1915, a fateful year for his career, with a victory over Adolph Ernst. Ernst wrestled under the name Otto Carpenter for this match but was known to professional wrestling fans as Ad Santel. Santel had a deserved reputation for being a vicious “hooker”, a wrestler skilled in submission holds. Stecher was a 22-year-old Nebraskan, who made

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Remembering Wayne Munn


Wayne “Grande” Munn’s a meteoric rise in professional wrestling. Debuting in 1924, Munn “won” the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from EdStranglerLewis in early 1925. His fall was just as quick. Por 1926, Munn was retired. A college football lineman from Nebraska, Munn was recruited into professional wrestling by Billy Sandow, defacto leader of the Gold Dust Trio. La

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Beell Wins Title


Fred Beell was a strong, talentoso luchador profesional a principios del siglo XX. Beell gave all the best wrestlers of the day tough contests but his lack of size often hampered his ability with world class wrestlers. Aunque poderosamente construido, Beell was generously listed at 5’06”. At his heaviest, Beell never exceeded 170 libras. While possessing a bodybuilder’s

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Lewis and Roeber Unify Title


When William Muldoon retired from professional wrestling in 1889, he intended for his protege, Ernst Roeber, to become the new World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Since Muldoon always defended his championship in the Greco-Roman wrestling style, his choice made sense. Roeber was arguably the best Greco-Roman wrestler in America at the time. Sin embargo, the wrestling fans and journalist, covering the sport,

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Wild Bill Longson Regains Title


WillardWild BillLongson was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on June 8, 1906 but spent most of his adult life in St. Louis, Misuri. After beginning his career as a professional wrestler in 1931, Longson found himself working for Tom Packs in St. Louis. He never really left as it would be his home base for the remainder

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