Лондон против. Шикат в 1930

Художник-рендеринг Джима Лондоса

Over the past twenty years, preservationists have found several wrestling films from the 1920s through the 1950s that were assumed lost. Fans can watch most of the newly discovered films on YouTube. One of the surviving films is eighteen minutes of an hour, twenty minutes match from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1930. Jim Londos wrestled Dick Shikat (video link) for a

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Маклафлин путает это с Россом


On Thursday, Апрель 10, 1884, America’s first full-time professional wrestler, J.H. McLaughlin wrestled all-around Scottish athlete and wrestler Duncan C. Ross at Detroit’s Opera House. The men wrestled a three-out-of-five falls mixed styles match. McLaughlin specialized in collar-and-elbow wrestling. The men wrestled two falls under collar-and-elbow rules. Ross favored side hold rules. The men wrestled two falls by securing side

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Великая Гама борется со Станиславом Збышко


В субботу, Сентябрь 10, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko, только что после своего первого турне по Соединенным Штатам, боролся за Великую Гаму на стадионе Шепердс Буш в Лондоне., Англия. 7,000 зрители толпились на стадионе, чтобы посмотреть матч. Несколькими неделями ранее, Г-н. Бенджамин привез группу борцов Пехлвани из Индии для борьбы в Англии.. Fans consider the Great Gama

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Лондос побеждает Колова

Джон-Контос-карта в 1923 году

Jim Londos rose through the ranks of professional wrestling to become the biggest box office star of not only the 1930s but of all-time. <Промежуток bbox_x = "543" bbox_y = "1494" bbox_w = "56" bbox_h = "20" FSIZE = "14" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = ", if Londos had not come to St. Louis in the early 1920s, the story could have been quite different. Londos learned catch-as-catch-can wrestling while Londos performed as a strong man in the carnival circuit during

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Дюфур сыграл вничью с Коксом

Генри-Мозес-Дюфур-уведомление о смерти

Генри Мозес Дюфур специализировался на борьбе на локтях и воротниках, когда Дюфур профессионально боролся в 1870-х и 1880-х годах.. Родился в мае 5, 1844, in Richmond, Вермонт, Дюфур боролся в основном на северо-востоке США.. Июня 27, 1878, Дюфур провел ответный поединок с борцом по имени Кокс в Бостонском бейсбольном парке перед пятьюстами фанатов.. Пятьсот фанатов

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Lewis and Zbyszko Argue Over Referee

Джон-Контос-карта в 1923 году

Чемпион мира по борьбе в тяжелом весе Эд “<Промежуток bbox_x = "949" bbox_y = "1799" bbox_w = "52" bbox_h = "19" FSIZE = "13" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = "” Lewis was scheduled to meet former champion Stanislaus Zbyszko at the St. Луи Колизей в четверг, Декабрь 14, 1922 but the match was almost called off due to disagreements over the selection of a referee. It was only after the intercession of St. Louis promoter John Contos that both men agreed to St. Луис

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Льюис стреляет со Стилом


В понедельник, Декабрь 6, 1932, 41-year-old Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled one of his last legitimate contests to settle a promotional dispute in New York. After initially being allies in promotion, Jim Londos broke away from Jack Curley’s group in New York. To restore peace, the parties decided on a legitimate contest or “shoot” to settle the dispute. Джозеф «Тутс» Мондт

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Два стрелка работают за матч


Во вторник, Декабрь 12, 1916, local favorite, Джон “The Nebraska TigermanPesek wrestled fellow shooter, Al “DutchMantell, in a worked match. Pesek recently trained with fellow Nebraska wrestler and recognized World Champion Joe Stecher prior to this match. Pesek developed a notorious reputation for shooting with other wrestlers. <Промежуток bbox_x = "543" bbox_y = "1494" bbox_w = "56" bbox_h = "20" FSIZE = "14" fweight = "3" красный = "255" зеленый = "255" синий = "255" альфа = ", Pesek was a 22-year-old up-and-comer still learning to wrestle, when

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Бибби слишком много для Мацуды


In the early 1880s, Sorakichi Matsuda, or Matsada in most American newspapers, traveled to the United States to wrestle professionally. Japan did not have a developed professional wrestling circuit, so Matsuda thought he would bring the sport back to Japan after an apprenticeship in the United States. After training for a while, Matsuda signed an agreement to wrestle the first

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Оскар Васем победил Джо Кэрролла


Oscar Wasem started his career in St. Луис, Missouri under the tutelage of George Baptiste. Wasem was a good enough wrestler that Wasem defeated a young Frank Gotch in 1901. Wasem, the St. Louis Champion, pinned Gotch, the Iowa Champion. While Gotch went on to be America’s greatest legitimate professional wrestler, Wasem remained a solid journeyman. Wasem supplemented his professional

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