Sinatura do libro de roubo bancario da Unión MO


O sábado, Abril 9, 2022, the Franklin County Missouri Historical Society invited me to give a PowerPoint presentation on the Union Missouri Bank Robbery of 1902. The book covers the robbery, the investigation, two nationwide hunts for the fugitive and a daring break from the St. Louis City Jail. Two daring robbers, not yet 23 anos de idade, pulled off

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Introdución á Unión, Roubo MO Banco


Na noite de Nadal 1902, dous cidade pequena, pequeno-time, holdup men blew open the safe of the Union, Missouri Bank. After threatening a few citizens, they made off with over $15,000. The men were relatively safe for a few months until the Pinkerton Detective Agency was called in. The Pinkertons had a nationwide agency, which was the closest thing the United

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Girlfriend Kills St. Louis Officer


On Monday evening, Xullo 16, 1917, St. Louis Police Officer Julius H. Petring assigned to the North Market Division entered a rooming house at 2301 N. Market Street. Petring asked the proprietor William Dietrich to rent a room for him and his wife. His “muller” was his recently divorced girlfriend Freda Hagenmeyer. Officer Petring had been seeing Freda Hagenmeyer, que

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Oliver Kirk e o 1904 St. Louis Olimpíadas


Oliver Leonard Kirk ten a distinción de ser o único boxeador olímpico a gañar unha medalla de ouro en dúas categorías de peso diferentes nos mesmos Xogos Olímpicos. Oliver Kirk conseguir este feito na súa cidade natal Olimpíadas de 1904. St. Louis acolleu a terceira Olimpíada durante o 1904 Exposición Feira Mundial. Como os xogos de París catro anos antes, St. Louis gave

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