Theodore Roosevelt Wins 6 States in 1912

Theodore-Roosevelt-s úsmevom

After Theodore Roosevelt won reelection in his own right during November 1904, TR impetuously announced he would not run for another term. His inner circle, particularly his wife Edith, would think the decision a mistake. Však, once Theodore Roosevelt made a pronouncement, he intended to keep his word. Roosevelt si vybral svojho ministra vojny a bývalého guvernéra Filipín

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Deadliest Night for St. Louis polícia


Nejsmrtelnější incident v St. Louis Polícia história nebola prestrelka, prírodná katastrofa alebo teroristický čin. Nejsmrtelnější incident v St. Louis Policajné histórie došlo v noci z pondelka, September 3, 1900. Electricity was the assailant as a power line with 3300 voltov elektriny spadol na telefónnych liniek, at Eight Street and Carr Avenue. The

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